The premiere

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*a few nights later they are at the premiere for Ryan's movie, the arrive in the limo, as it reaches where they get out, Ryan undoes his seatbelt, when the car stops he gets out, goes over to doves side, opens her door and helps her out as the cameras turn on them, he takes her hand and sort of helps her along a bit just making sure she's okay*
Ryan: are you sure you're okay?
Dove: honey I'm fine, now let's go get photographed so we can go and sit down inside
Ryan: okay, you look beautiful by the way, I love that dress, it shows that beautiful bump of yours nicely
Dove: are you sure
Ryan: you look so amazing
Dove: come on red carpet time
*they walk over onto the red carpet and people start calling for them to take a photo or just fans screaming their names, they walk down to the middle and stand for pictures, he stands square on to the cameras and she stands side face towards him, a little in front of him for her bump to fit, she puts her arm around him and he puts his arm around her placing his hand protectively on her bump hold her closely into him*
Dove: you excited
Ryan: yeah I am
Dove: good
Ryan: babe you okay?
Dove: yes, I'm fine
Ryan: okay
*people continue to scream their names and other things as they walk off the red carpet when Ryan hears a reporter say to another reporter*
Reporter 1: I mean you know they're only engaged because she's pregnant like come on and they don't even seem that into each other anymore, we never ever see them out on like dates or anything I wonder if they even like each other or if it's just for show
*this pisses Ryan off but instead of doing something stupid like hitting him for it, he turns to dove put his hand gently on her cheek and kisses her for all of the cameras to see, his other hand placed on the side of her bump, he knew they'd analyse that and connote something about it in the magazines, that was one of the reasons he did it along with the fact that he liked doing it and it felt like he was protecting her and their twins but he definitely would enjoy reading the news tomorrow*
Reporter 2: I wouldn't be so sure about that
Dove: what was that for
*she laughs*
Ryan: I wanted everyone to know how much I love you
Dove: you mr are a total goof
Ryan: but I'm your goof
Dove: and that's how I like it
*they smile at each other then they each put an arm around each other before walking into the theatre to watch the film, later in the car on the way home*
Dove: I'm so proud of you that was amazing
Ryan: that's because I was working my hardest to make you proud
Dove: all you have to do is try your best for me to be proud of you
Ryan: and you don't have to try at all, okay that didn't sound exactly how it was meant to, I didn't mean it how it sounded
Dove: I know what you meant
Ryan: good because I am so proud of you everyday just for being you
*dove blushes and giggles like a little kid*
Ryan: you are so awkward
Dove: I know
Ryan: I love it
Dove: and I love you for loving it

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