Christmas Eve

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*its Christmas Eve and they are sat curled up together in front of the fireplace*
Dove: I can't believe how many congratulations posts we've been getting since we announced the pregnancy like there's so many, it was only two weeks ago
Ryan: I know I can't believe how many people have posted about it
Dove: I was expecting a lot more hate about it
Ryan: why?
Dove: we're really young we got engaged after I got pregnant the fact it was an accident
Ryan they only know about one of those things though
Dove: yeah idk I just was
Ryan: well we didn't and I'm glad, I can't believe that next Christmas we'll be parents it won't be just you and me anymore
Dove: it's not gonna be just you and me tomorrow
Ryan: what are we having Christmas lunch with your mom and sister
Dove: not MY mom and sister
Ryan: you can't be serious
Dove: Honey they invited us
Ryan: so?!?! Do you not remember what happened last time?!?!
Dove: honey please calm down I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset I thought you'd be happy
*she begins to cry, he instantly regrets what he said and pulls her tightly into him so her head is resting on his chest she sobbed a little getting his t-shirt wet but he doesn't care*
Ryan: I'm sorry Chlopop I just don't trust that the whole making good thing
*dove backs up and sniffs, Ryan wipes away her tears*
Dove: I know but I really want your parents to like me
Ryan: I know, look we'll do it but promise me that if they say anything you won't take it to heart and if they do anything really rude we leave
Dove: okay
Ryan: if they say anything to you tell me, I'm not having any shit from them okay princess
Dove: yeah
Ryan: I love you to the moon and back
Dove: I love you too
Ryan: I'm gonna go finish painting the nursery, you should go and rest
Dove: no can I come and watch
Ryan: of course babe
*he gets up and picks her up, she giggles not expecting to be picked up and wraps gamer arms around his neck, he carries her into the nursery, pops her down on the little couch that's in there, pours out some paint into the trough, gets the roller and begins to paint*

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