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*he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly into him, she wrapped her arms around her neck, one hand tugging at his hair as they kissed, he deepened the kiss, his tongue begged for entrance in her mouth and she accepted willingly, he thrust his tongue into her mouth almost as though it was on an exploratory mission, his tongue and hers fought for control, which his eventually won, his hands found their way up her top, they unlocked her bra in seconds, he was a master at that, her hands went to his jeans, undoing them and letting them fall away, he stepped out of them, he broke the kiss as she took of his t-shirt, he took off hers, letting her bra fall away with it, he enjoyed what he saw, he always did, he pulled her back into him, feeling her breasts against his chest, she runs her her hands over his bare body and as he kisses her all the way down her cheek and her neck until he gets to her sweet spot when he sucks it causing her to moan quite loudly, she jumps up and wraps her legs around him, he carries her into the bedroom, he drops her onto the bed carefully, he steps towards her, she wraps her legs around him, she feels his erection against her which excited her, it had been quite a while, between her being pregnant and then having the twins and then everything else in there lives it had been too long, she wanted him so badly that she felt she could honestly say that she needed to be with him, she needed to have him inside of her, he knew what she wanted, but he wasn't going to give her what she wanted just yet, he leaned over her and started running his hands down her body as he kissed her chest and her breasts which made her tingle, a feeling she hadn't felt in what felt like forever, she was getting impatient, she begged him to do it*
Dove: Ryan, Ryan!
*she half moaned half begged, he chuckled and a smirk spread across his face*
Dove: Ryan!!!!
*she begged so loudly he worried she's wake the twins, that would cut this night short*
Ryan: alright, give me a second
*she nods as he runs into the bathroom, she watches the door eagerly, a few moments later he returns with a condom on (and nothing else), dove almost gasps which makes Ryan chuckle, he walks up to her as she sits back up, he picks her up, turns her round on the bed and then puts her back down, he gets on top of her and lays her down, she runs her hands along his Abs, God he was hot was all she could think, he bends over her and kisses her all over her body making the tingling continue*
Ryan: you sure?
Dove: have I ever not been?
*she smiles, he smirks and with that he thrusts himself into her, she moans as he does, he thrusts himself in even further causing her to moan even louder, she moves her hips to help him, just as she's about to come he stops*
Dove: Ryan, what the....
Ryan: I love you
Dove: you stopped to tell me that?!?!
Ryan: I did
Dove: ugh Ryan!!
Ryan: okay
*he smirks having done that to deliberately piss her off, it was quite entertaining when he did that, he started moving again, faster and faster until they both came together and Ryan flopped down beside dove, she she rolled over onto her side, placing her head and hand on his chest, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled the duvet up to keep her warm and then within minutes they were asleep*

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