New years - the sequel

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*a week later it's New Year's Eve, dove is very happy about having gotten her pregnancy off her chest but ever since Ryan has been babying her more than he originally did which she's quite confused by*
Ryan: hey baby you okay?
Dove: Ryan you only just asked me that five minutes ago
Ryan: six actually
Dove: Ryan what is going on here?
Ryan: what do you mean?
Dove: Ryan you've been babying me, more than you did before
Ryan: oh
Dove: why?
Ryan: I don't mean to, I just want to make sure you're okay, I don't know I'm sorry
Dove: I'm alright, you don't need to worry about me all the time
Ryan: but baby that's my job
Dove: can you just ease up a bit, I just feel kinda smothered
Ryan: oh
Dove: I'm sorry i didn't mean it like that, ugh I hate this, I don't know what's going on in my head right now
Ryan: it's okay babe, look come on let's get ready Claire and ally will be here in a few minutes and we are almost at midnight, it's New Year's Eve, let's just have fun and enjoy ourselves
Dove: are we gonna tell them today?
Ryan: do you want to?
Dove: yeah I don't want to lie to them
Ryan: you sure?
Dove: yeah, I am
Ryan: oh the jokes, I can hear them now
Dove: you mean all the, Christmas came early two years running and is this gonna be a yearly thing or something jokes
Ryan: exactly
Dove: oh well, we can't say that in a way we weren't thinking them ourselves
*the doorbell goes*
Ryan: I got it
Dove: too late
*dove opens the door as Ryan runs out, Claire and Alison walk in*
Claire: hey guys
Ryan: hey
Alison: where are the little cuties
Ryan: hi bro how are you? Huh oh that's good
*ryan says sarcastically and gives Alison a look*
Alison: yeah alright whatever now seriously
Dove: nursery
Claire: sleeping?
Dove: probably not
Alison: can we get them? They're more interesting than Ryan
*Ryan fakes a hurt look*
Ryan: geez love you too, so I'm invisible and uninteresting
Alison: sounds about right
Dove: come on you two
Claire: yeah let's go see the twins
Ryan: okay
Dove: one day they'll learn how to sleep through the night and we will get to sleep again too
Ryan: but we've gotta get little one thee too
*claire and Alison give them a confused look and Ryan puts his hand over his mouth, having realised he's said too much*
Alison: what do you mean?
Ryan: uh
Dove: well
Claire: are you....pregnant?
Dove: I might be
Alison: seriously?!
Ryan: yep we're pretty serious
Claire: wow I can't believe that
Dove: why?
*she pulls a slightly funny face at her sister*
Claire: not that you you know but I mean like more?!
Ryan: it was not any more planned than the first one
Alison: Ryan, you seriously need to stop getting the poor girl pregnant
Ryan: you sound like I do it a lot
Dove: I'd say pretty regularly
Ryan: you're supposed to be on my side
Dove: oh baby I am but this is pretty funny
Claire: so do you know what you're having
Dove: not yet we haven't been to the doctors yet, I'm not that far along
Alison: how far along are you?
Dove: two months in a couple of days
Claire: well wow congratulations
Dove: would it be crazy if I said I thought it was girl
Ryan: what makes you think that babe
Dove: I don't know it just feels like it, like I can sense it
Alison: that can happen though, like mom said when had us she felt like she knew if it was a boy or girl before the doctors said
Ryan: really? I never knew that
Alison: she said it to me while she was in that craze of wanting a grandkid about a year ago
*doves face goes a little white*
Ryan: ally
*he almost hisses at her, dove forces a smile back on her face*
Dove: no it's okay, she the oldest your mom wanted her to have one first it's understandable, you're her little baby and in a way you always will be
Alison: that's no excuse for the way she treats you
Ryan: see even lay agrees she treats you unfair
Alison: I always have
Dove: guys don't fight, yeah she does treat me less than well i guess but again you're her child ry no one will ever be good enough I don't suspect, I try not to take it personally
Alison: Chloe I don't know how you do that, I couldn't just be that rationalise
Dove: I don't know, I just know Ryan loves me and we both love the kids so their words mean nothing, no offence, them being your parents and all
Alison: no I agree with it that they treat you like dirt
Claire: guys come on its half an hour to New Years, let's get the twins ready for the fireworks
Dove: yeah okay
Ryan: yeah there's no point in going out of this year talking about this or starting the new one doing it either
Alison: yeah come on
Dove: I'm so ready this, new year, new things
Ryan: new year with my love and our three little angels
Claire: definitely only three right?
Dove: pretty sure yeah
Ryan: i am not dealing with four I just won't do it
Dove: then quit getting me pregnant
Ryan: I've been trying!
*they all laugh and get ready for midnight, when it comes Claire and Alison are holding a twin each and kiss them on the top of the head in a cute little auntie way, dove and Ryan share a  passionate kiss both with a hand on doves stomach that is now starting to swell a little into a pretty small baby bump, as the fireworks start she feels the baby kicking*
Dove: woah
Ryan: wow
Dove: things just got real
Ryan: sweatheart things got real a long time ago
Dove: I'm excited
Ryan: me too

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