Seeing the doctor

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*two weeks later they are going to see the doctor for the first time and while Ryan is getting quite excited Dove however is getting very nervous and worked up, she's trying to keep it on the inside so she doesn't worry Ryan*
Ryan: you ready to go? We've got to be there in half an hour so we'd better go in a minute
Dove: oh umm yeah I'll be ready in a minute
*she runs off into their bedroom trying to hide from him whilst she sits against the wall on the floor trying not to work herself up, but getting worked up anyway, she is nearly in tears when Ryan walks in, when he sees her he sits down next to her and puts an arm around her shoulders, she snuggles her head unto his neck*
Ryan: hey, what's up Chlopop?
Dove: nothing
*she lies and bites her lip, trying to hold in her tears, it doesn't work and a tear falls down her cheek followed by a few more until it becomes a flood*
Ryan: Chloe tell me the truth, I want to help you, we're supposed to be working together on this so just tell me what's wrong
Dove: I'm scared okay?! I'm scared!
Ryan: of what?
Dove: that I'm gonna do something wrong that I'm gonna ruin everything, that there's gonna be something wrong and it'll be all my fault
Ryan: hey I'm sure it'll all be fine and if by some unlikely occurrence there is something wrong we will deal with that together
Dove: I'm also scared that this is gonna change us
Ryan: what do you mean?
Dove: I'm pregnant, we're having a baby, we're gonna be parents and I don't want that to change you and me, I love you and I like where we're at
Ryan: so do I but this isn't going to ouch us apart it's gonna pull us closer together, honey you will always be one my one true love okay and just because we love that baby doesn't mean we love each other any less, our relationship is going to change but it's gonna a good change
Dove: I know I don't what's going on with me I just... I don't know
Ryan: that's the hormones
Dove: yeah, I know I just don't know how to handle them
Ryan: we'll figure it out, now seriously we really do need to go now
Dove: yeah come on let's go
*25 minutes later they are in the exam room at the doctors, the doctor walks in*
Doctor: alright so then are you guys ready to see your baby?
Ryan: yeah we are
*he squeezes doves hand, she looks up at him and smiles happily in response, the doctor gets out the ultrasound machine*
Doctor: this might feel a little cold
Dove: okay
*the doctor squirts out a large blob of the special gel onto dove's bare stomach, dove shivers a little it was definitely cold there was no doubt about it, the doctor moves the scanner wand around doves stomach spreading the gel as she does, a picture comes up on the monitor, the doctor looks at it confused and seeing her confusion Ryan begins to worry*
Ryan: is there something wrong?
*dove looks from Ryan to the doctor*
Doctor: no no it just do either of you two have a family history of multiple births?
Dove: what?!
Ryan: not that I'm aware of why?
Doctor: because there's you baby
*she she points to something on the monitor*
Doctor: but that's also you baby
*she points to something else on the monitor*
Ryan: are you saying.....?
Doctor: your having twins
Dove: woah

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