Flying home

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*at the end of the week it's time to go home, they are all packed up and ready to go, they are waiting in the lobby for the taxi to collect them*
Dove: I kinda wish we could've done more
Ryan: like what?
Dove: well for starters more of the ride at Disneyland but more stuff like climbing the Eiffel Tower as well
Ryan: but babe you can't do all that, you're pregnant
Dove: I know it's just annoying sometimes
Ryan: I tell you what, how about when this is all over and the kids are a little older we come back and then we can do it, bring Claire or Ali or both and then we can have some us time too
Dove: I like the sound of that
Ryan: good
*they kiss and as they kiss he sees the taxi arrives, he pulls away*
Ryan: the taxi here Chlopop
Dove: ugh okay
*they get up and get the stuff loaded into the car, making sure that dove doesn't carry anything very heavy, they then get into the taxi and head for the airport, when they get there they get out and off they go to airport security*
Ryan: babe let me take that, Charlotte is a lot lighter than your suitcase
Dove: excuse me
*she shoves him jokingly*
Ryan:are you trying to tell me it's not true?
Dove: okay maybe it's a little true but I mean she's tiny
Ryan: well she's getting pretty big now, but Alfie in the other hand was already pretty big
Dove: trust me I'm very much aware of exactly how big he was, I mean he quite literally came out of me
Ryan: I'm well aware
Dove: alright security
*they get through security after a while and then soon find themselves on the plane*
Ryan: when we get back we can sort out getting the contracts signed for you to go back into the Disney projects, but wait do they know about your pregnancy?
Dove: yeah they do but they said they'd do whatever needed to be done to fit it around my schedule, apparently in this script they are considering Mal to actually get or be pregnant anyway sooo
Ryan: oh wow okay we are still talking about Disney right?
*they both laugh*
Dove: yeah they're trying to make it a little more mature I mean did you see that last season of girl meets world that was some really deep stuff that Sabrina and Rowan were doing, I don't know how they managed it
Ryan: I just remembered, did i tell you Sabrina invited us to her 20th birthday, well I say Sabrina I think what actually happened was Peyton tried to throw her a surprise party and failed
Dove: that sounds about right but they love each other so it's alright
Ryan: anyways you gonna nap now we're about to take off
Dove: yeah I'm super tired, night
Ryan: goodnight my little rollerchloster

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