Good Morning America

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*the next day they arrive at the good morning America studio at 7:30 to go on at 8 they head into makeup and by the time they are done they have 5 minutes before they have to go on*
Ryan: do you feel okay? Not sick at all?
Dove: no I was already sick today it shouldn't happen again
Ryan: okay, are you sure you want to do this? We can wait you know
Dove: I want to, all of the fans deserve to know and I don't want to keep it a secret, plus look you can kinda tell
*she places her hand of her stomach*
Dove: I'm showing
Ryan: no you're not you look beautiful and still as tiny as ever
Dove: yeah no I love you for trying but I'm definitely showing
Ryan: maybe a little but it's beautiful and it looks good on you, everything always looks good on you, sometimes even off you
Dove: Ryan oh my god that's how we got here in the first place!!
*she giggles cutely and he smiles, then someone yells that the shows back on in 3..2..1.. And then the host starts*
Host: and now we're talking to the people who leapfrogged from Disney into the music charts and having released their first album are taking the charts by storm ladies and gentlemen please welcome Dove Cameron and Ryan McCartan aka the girl and the dreamcatcher
* they take hands and walk on waving with there other hands to the audience who are cheering and screaming, as they walk on glowing in the dark is playing
Host: hey guys
Dove: hi
Ryan: hey
Host: so thank you for joining us today
Dove: thank you for having us on here
Ryan: yeah we're so excited to get to talk to you guys and to perform today
Host: yes which is what we are gonna do first if you don't mind
Dove: we'd love to
* they walk over the stage area where the band is set up, Ryan grabs his guitar, slings the strap over his shoulder and he both stand in front of their mics, they play glowing in the dark, written in the starts and someone you like, before high diving then kissing while the crowd whoops, cheers and applauds, they then go sit back down on the little sofa opposite the host, Ryan's arm around dove's side and their fingers intertwined*
Host: so then can I just say well done with that debut album of yours it was really something
Ryan: oh thank you
Dove: yeah we loved making it
Host: and you put on one hell of a tour
Dove: we do try
Host: yes and with great results, so you two decided to set this band to spend more time together is that correct?
Ryan: yeah we realised that only time we got to spend together really was when we were working on the same project so we decided to make our own project to spend more time together because we just missed each other I think like I hated leaving her alone to go over to Canada last year to shoot the rocky horror picture show and I missed her
Dove: yeah it's like we lived together but a lot of the time only one of us was at home
Home: because you two have been together how long now?
Ryan: 3 years and 4 months pretty much I mean I could go into detail but I won't
Dove: yeah he knows the exact time and everything like wow he's amazing that's why I love him so much
Ryan: love you too babe
*he kisses her on the top of the head and the audience awww's*
Host: you two are just so cute
Dove: aww thanks I think so too
Host: so you guys got any big plans coming up
Dove: umm
Ryan: we have started working on a second album which we're doing quite well on but we've actually got more planned as a couple
Host: oohhh sounds exciting care to share
Dove: yeah so we're happy to announce that we're engaged as of two weeks ago
Host: congratulations, when's the big day?
Dove: we haven't figured it out yet we've been quite busy with other things
Ryan: we're expecting you see
Host: so you're pregnant?! Wow yay congrats guys, boy or girl
Dove: we don't know actually we wanted them to be a surprise
Host: them?!
Ryan: yeah it's twins
Host: wow congrats guys
Dove: thank you
Ryan: it does mean that we spend a lot of time just sat around doing songwriting so it's actually helped us on our second album
Host: well that's all the time we have thank you so much for talking to us and congratulations on your big news, the girl and the dreamcatcher everybody
*they smile and wave, holding hands at the same time as they walk of to written in the stars*
Dove: well that went well
Ryan: yeah it did now come on let's go home we've got some writing to do we've already got 7 tracks for this album we just need another six
Dove: ha yeah only
Ryan: come on

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