Another birthday?

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*two weeks later it's doves birthday, they manage to sleep all the way from 10:30pm to just after 5am before being awoken by crying*
Dove: you're getting that
Ryan: but we normally do it together, theirs two of them that's not fair, is that even possible?!
Dove: but it's my birthday
Ryan: oh really?
*he smirks and sits up, she stays led down*
Dove:wait it is my birthday right?
Ryan: yeah it is, do you know how old you are?
*he laughs a bit as she seriously has to think about this*
Dove: 22...wait no that was last year, or was it the year before, God 23, it's too early for this
Ryan: fine cuz it's your birthday and you're old now I'll go myself
*she giggles a little into her pillow trying to muffle it*
Ryan: okay I'll leave that one because I know that the majority of that came from the hormones caused by the baby I put in you so kinda my fault but ouch
*he fanes being hurt she just bursts out into laughter*
Dove: if you don't go soon they'll sort themselves out
Ryan: seriously like is that possible cuz I'm cool with that
Dove: go!
Ryan: going
*he leaves and comes back to her pretending to be asleep even though she's clearly not*
Ryan: oh well I guess she's asleep
*he says sarcastically and she giggles a little, he smirks and rolls his eyes*
Ryan: I guess she won't want her present then
*dove flies up*
Dove: okay okay I'm awake now what did ya get me
Ryan: two things actually
Dove: well now I feel loved
Ryan: that's because you are now here's your first present
*he hands her a box and she opens it*
Dove: baby it beautiful
*she takes out a photo frame with the picture slots in it, in one is a picture of Charlotte, another a picture of Alfie and then the last slot a sonogram picture from when she was in the hospital*
Ryan: when the baby is born we can put a proper picture in but until then
Dove: it's perfect thank you so much
Ryan: of course chlopop
Dove: I can't wait for us to have the next check, you can finally see the baby for yourself
Ryan: yeah I'm excited we can find it if you're psychic or psycho with the whole sensing it's a girl thing
Dove: rude
*she shoves him playfully and laughs, he does too*
Ryan: but anyway here's your other present
*he hands her a smaller box and she opens it to find a beautiful bracelet*
Dove: wow, it's just so beautiful I love it, I love you ry, thank you so much
Ryan: anytime baby
Dove: tiger have you noticed we've become nocturnal?
Ryan: yeah I have, it's annoying but anyway, let's go back to sleep for a little while, there's a party in your honour tonight and we can't be falling asleep in the middle of it
Dove: wait what?
Ryan: oh that was a secret, ummm woops, how are you at acting surprised
*she fakes being surprised*
Ryan: we'll work on it, but seriously you're an actress
*he laughs and she looks a little offended*
Dove: I'd stop before you dig yourself a hole you can't get out of, these mood swings rarely work in your favour
Ryan: good point, olive you baby
Dove: shh I'm sleeping
Ryan: okay
*he gets back into bed and she snuggles into him, with his arms wrapped around her they both fall asleep*

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