Family tragedy

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*2 months later, one month before dove's due, they're in the nursery, she sat on a cushiony chair while his is working hard putting one of the cribs together when his phone rings on the table*
Ryan: honey can you get that?
Dove: sure
*she grabs the phone and goes to answer it when she sees the caller id*
Dove: umm maybe not
Ryan: come on babe why not
Dove: it's your parents
Ryan: could you get it anyway please I promise I will take it back in a sec but I've just got to do this one thing a second
Dove: umm yeah okay
*she answers the phone*
R dad: Ryan look I know your still mad but this is really important it's about your grandfather
Dove: umm its me mr Mccartan
R dad: oh Chloe umm hi I don't mean to sound rude but I need to talk to my son right now please, it's extremely important
Chloe: umm your gonna have to wait a minute he can't come to the phone
R dad: can I ask why?
Ryan: what's going on
Dove: he's building one of the cribs at the moment seeing as the twins are due next month
R dad: please I really need to talk to him, it's very serious
Dove: hold on he's just coming
*dove hands the phone to Ryan*
Dove: he said it was urgent, it's about your grandad I think he said
Ryan: what?!
*he takes the phone and lifts it up to his ear*
Ryan: dad...what?! Oh my god I...I...yeah I don't know I'll figure it out alright okay bye
*he hangs up the phone, puts it on the table, turns with his back to dove, walks over to the wall and hits it really hard, half grunting, half yelling as he does, then a few tears roll down him cheeks, she jumps up and runs over to him, placing one hand on his back and one on the arm he used to punch the wall*
Dove: woah, hey Ryan your scaring me baby, what's wrong, what's happened?!
Ryan: it's my grandad, he's had a heart attack
Dove: oh my god baby is he okay?!
Ryan: no, he's only got a few hours left, they say he won't make the night
Dove: is there nothing they can do?
Dove: okay hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to...
*she steps back, he whips round and brings her close to him*
Ryan: no Chlopop, I'm so sorry I yelled at you, I just can't believe it, I'm not gonna get to say goodbye to him
Dove: why? It's only an hour drive, you could make it there in time
Ryan: but I don't want to leave you alone
Dove: God Ryan that doesn't matter and anyway I'll come with you, I'm yours and if you need me then I'll be there
Ryan: no sweetie your due in a month, you shouldn't be dealing with anything stressful like this
Dove: Ryan baby it's really important that you say goodbye so we are going, I will be fine I promise you now come on let's go
Ryan: are you sure?
Dove: get your keys and get in the car
Ryan: okay
*she grabs a bag and chucks a few things in quickly whilst he finds his keys and they run out to the car, jump in and he drives off, particularly fast*

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