After the death

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*continuing on from the last chpter*
Doctor: so what seems to be the problem
Ryan: my fiancé and I were in the waiting room after my grandfather just passed away when she started having pains, I'm probably just being paranoid but I just want to make sure everything's okay
Doctor: yes that's always a good idea, it's best to be sure, so what were these pains like?
Dove: I don't know they just come and go, they'd last for a few second and then just dissipate and then about a minute later there'd be another one
Doctor: okay let me just do an ultrasound to take a look
*he does a quick ultrasound to check that everything's okay*
Doctor: yes everything looks fine, I would say it was probably false labour brought on by stress
Ryan: I knew I shouldn't have brought you up here
Doctor: I'll leave you two alone you are free to go when you're ready
*he leaves*
Dove: I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed you, I should've just told you to go alone
Ryan: no I couldn't have come up here without you, look it doesn't matter as long as your okay, but I'm taking you home now
Dove: no you're not driving home tonight
*she gets up and walks out, he follows her out to where his family are*
Dove: Ryan you are not driving now
Ryan: Chlo you need to rest
R mom: you can stay with us tonight or even for a few days if you want, you really shouldn't drive all the way home now it's gone midnight
Ryan: we couldn't
R dad: really you could
Dove: thank you
R mom: you three go get some rest well be home as soon as we have talked to the doctors
Alison: are you sure mom I can stay
Dove: we all can
Alison: no I think we're all in agreement here that you need to rest Chloe, not just for you but for the twins as well
Dove: yeah but if you need us here, or I could drive over and one of you can bring Ryan back with you
Ryan: I'm not leaving you for a second
R dad: all of you go and get some sleep
Alison: okay bye mom, dad
Ryan: bye dad, bye mom
Dove: bye guys
*they all leave, when the three of them arrive back at the McCartan's house they all go in and say good night before separating, when dove and Ryan go into the room they're staying in*
Ryan: crap I ran out of the door so fast
Dove: I packed some stuff, I've got enough to last a few days
Ryan: your amazing you know that?
Dove: you have said before
Ryan: well I'm saying it again
Dove: I'm just gonna go change and brush my teeth
Ryan: okay babe
*a few minutes later when they are all sorted they climb into bed, he wraps his arms around her and she falls peacefully to sleep, he watches her for a while, completely unable to sleep, he doesn't sleep the whole night*

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