The last day ~ part 1

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*about four and a half months later, they have been rehearsing most days since their first day, some days shorter than others dove sometimes having worse days than others, being now 8 months pregnant everyone everyone is watching her like a hawk and taking extremely good care of her, barely letting her do anything, Ryan had dropped her off about ten minutes ago and people had began to arrive*
Mitchell: hey how you doing today?
Dove: sick and hormonal
Cameron: so the same as everyday this month
Booboo: the last like 3 months
Sofia: guys give her a break
Dove: yeah give me a break
Mitchell: okay because there's someone a whole load cuter causing the problems we'll let you off
*dove shoves him playfully*
Dove: don't anger the pregnant one
Brenna: hey guys who's excited
Dove: oh yeah last day
Booboo: you nervous
Dove: I'm going to have a baby I'm terrified Sofia: but you've done it before....with twins
Dove: this ones kinda different though
Cameron: whys that
Dove: well there was no medical intervention required the first time, the last tests seem to suggest that now we definitely will
Sofia: wow, I'm sorry
Brenna: will she be okay?
Dove: uh yeah she should be, they were gonna do a c-section but then decided that wasn't a good idea
Mitchell: wow
Dove: yeah, they say if it doesn't happen naturally soon then they want to induce, Ryan's trying to act all calm about it so I don't completely freak out but I can tell he's losing it a little by now
Sofia: I'm sure it'll all be fine
Dove: here's hoping
*she puts her hand on her bump and smiles as happily as she can, trying to ignore the nerves in the back of her mind, they are soon called to begin work*

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