Fixing broken people

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*he wipes away her tears, takes her hands and kisses her*
Ryan: honey I am so sorry about that
Dove: I knew they'd react like that I'm not good enough for you, you better than this
Ryan: never say that it is so untrue, they are idiots and I'm done with them if they're gonna be like that, like I said earlier you and the twins are the most important thing to me
Dove: but they're your parents Ryan it's important what they think
Ryan: no it's not, now come on I'm taking you home and we're gonna forget all about this
Dove: okay
*she sniffs, he lets go of one hand, gets his keys out of his pocket, unlocks the car, opens her door for her, helps her in then goes round, gets in the other side and drives them home, when they get back the go inside, he closes the door behind them and pulls her into him, he hugs her tightly, kisses her on the top of her head and then whispers I her ear*
Ryan: Chlo don't ever doubt how much I love you and how excited I am about the twins okay, i don't care about my parents opinions on my life they've always been like that about everything, it's not just you
Dove: but they hate me
Ryan: no one could ever hate you, why would they?
Dove: I don't know
Ryan: there you go then, look let's just give them some time to cool of and come around and if they don't then they will just have to live with the fact we are only keeping supportive people in our lives
Dove: would you really be prepared to do that?
Ryan: I've been prepared for that for a while, now look let's stop be depressing and do something fun
Dove: such as?
Ryan: I thought we could start painting the nursery
Dove: yeah let's do it

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