The last day ~ part 2

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*at the end of the day they all gathered for Kenny to make a little speech before they all leave, when they come back there aren't many rehearsals just filming really so they have to keeps working on it any trying to remember it*
Kenny: alright everyone so thank you all do much for working so hard over the last few months, it's come on so fast and I know that it's going to be really amazing so well done, I think we all deserve a huge pat on the back, one of us particularly more than the others
*he moves to stand next to dove who goes bright red, seeing her go bright red he puts his arm around her*
Kenny: now this girl was offered to wait until whenever she was ready but she said no I've still got time lets do this, so she has worked herself to the maximum she could physically, mentally and emotionally handle and we've only had a few tears and a little yelling which is quite contained so I think she deserves a huge round of applause
*they all applaud and whoop and whistle and stuff and she goes even redder*
Dove: it's my me we should be applauding, I just went to work every day because it was that or spend my time moaning to Ryan and him hugging silently so as to not get in trouble so yeah I mean Kenny you made all of this happen, the writers wrote the script and you helped us bring it to life, and no one killed me when I threw a temper tantrum or got super annoying, literally everyone BUT me deserves a round of applause
Booboo: okay
*cameron and Mitchell both shove him*
Booboo: oww!
Brenna: but you kept going even when we offered to stop you only stopped when you absolutely had to you could've just decided you didn't want to do something but you didn't
Kenny: either way dove you've worked your ass off and we're very proud to call you out star
Dove: we're all the stars
Sofia: yeah but who's name comes first
Dove: I don't know
Sofia: you, you're the princess of Disney
Dove: I share that crown I'll have you know and what about cam he's a Disney boy
Cameron: technically true my last show only just ended
Dove: so no one here is more important than anyone else
Kenny: whatever I just wanted to and I'm sure everyone else also wanted to say congratulations and good luck with the baby have fun and we wanna meet her when we come back in a few months
Dove: 3 months and we'll be back
Sofia: is that really all the time you're taking off?
Dove: yeah Ryan said I could do whatever made me happiest so I said I wanted to come back quickly plus it's easier apparently I don't know there's a plan like I fly out of Canada either Thursday or Friday night depending on when we need to film and fly in eithe Sunday night or Monday morning and then Ryan and the kids come down Tuesday and Wednesday each week so there's only two days away from them a week and he says he's okay with that, he's probably gonna struggle a little but so will I when its his turn to go out to work and I'm left alone with the kids so it's all even in the end
Brenna: you're super strong
Sofia: yeah like I'd genuinely cry to be away that long if I was in your position
Dove: wait am I a terrible person for doing that?!
Mitchell: Jesus guys really?!?!
Cameron: no you're not now everyone shut your mouths and let Kenny finish
Kenny: thank you Cameron, so anyway congratulations and good luck everyone remember to keep practicing and I'll see you all in Canada in October
*everyone says bye to each other and then leaves, Sofia carries doves bag out to the car where Ryan is waiting because she had decided a few months back that dove was no longer allowed to even under extreme protest from dove, Ryan grabbed the bag, smiled and gave her a quick hug before chucking doves bag in the truck and then getting in where she was already waiting for him*
Ryan: you good?
Dove: little sad that's over but we're back in three months so
Ryan: ready to have another baby
Dove: not much more than the first time
Ryan: we were younger the first time
Dove: not by that much the twins are only turned one like 2 months ago, I'm only 23 and you're only 26
Ryan: whatever stop procrastinating and let's go home
Dove: fine
*Ryan kisses her and she kisses back*
Ryan: you love me
Dove: I do and you love me
Ryan: nah I just got a little bored you know?
*he smirks and she shoves him playfully but slightly annoyed that was still kind of a sore spot for her*
Dove: don't
Ryan: I'm sorry babe, I love you with all of my heart
Dove: okay
Ryan: now come on let's go

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