The births

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*13 and a half hours later she's still going, by now dove's mom, her sister, Ryan's sister and even his parents have arrived, she is however getting very tired and extremely annoyed*
Dove: urgghhhhhh when will they finally just get out, I just can't do this much longer
Ryan: I know babe but your almost there, the doctor said when your contractions are 20 seconds apart then it's time and at the moment your only at 30 seconds between each one so you're almost there
Dove: but I can't do it much longer, I'm really tired, honey, ohhhhhh ahhhhhhh
Ryan: okay come on just breathe, breathe
Dove: uhhhh ughhhh ahhhhh
Ryan: okay honey breathe
*a few minutes later it's finally time and the midwife is there*
Midwife: okay so when you feel your next contraction coming on just push
*she nods to signal okay, preserving all her energy for what lay ahead and when she has her next contraction she begins to push*
Ryan: okay Chlopop you got this
Dove: ahhhh ohhh God, Ryaaaaannnnn
Ryan: I'm here baby, just squeeze my hand
Dove: but I don't want to hurt yoooouuuuuu
Ryan: don't worry about it
Dove: ahhhh uhhhh arggghhhh
*she continues to push until*
Midwife: just one more push
Ryan: come on Chlo you can do this, just one more push
Dove: ahhhh ohhhh ah
Midwife: congratulations, it's a boy
Ryan: a boy?!
Midwife: would dad like to cut the cord?
*Ryan nods, comes around and cuts the cord*
Ryan: he's so beautiful
*he smiles, feeling extreme and overwhelming love the second he lays eyes on his new baby son, he is taken to be wrapped up in a blanket and Ryan whips back around to dove who has another contraction*
Midwife: okay one more time
Ryan: you got this, just breathe through it
Dove: arghhhh ughhhh ohhhh
*she continues to push for about a minute and a half*
Midwife: one final big push and it'll all be over
Dove: ohhhh Ryaaannnnn
Ryan: you almost there come on Chlopop
Dove: arggghhhhhhh uhhhhhh owwwwww
Midwife: there you go, a little girl, dad gonna cut this cord too?
*this time Ryan can barely muster a nod and he looks at his daughter in utter amazement*
Ryan: a baby girl
*his voice slightly shakey as he stares at the beautiful little girl rift infront of him*
Dove: can we hold them?
Midwife: of course
*she hands dove the baby boy and then hands Ryan the baby girl after wrapping her up*
Midwife: do you have names for them?
*dove looks at Ryan and then back at the midwife*
Dove: I think we do
Ryan: yeah we do
Midwife: okay, we'll get the paperwork sorted out and in the meantime we'll let your families come and meet your new arrivals
Dove: thank you
*the midwife leaves*
Dove: so we're going with the names we talked about?
Ryan: yeah, they're so amazing aren't they
Dove: yeah I can't believe it
*claire sticks her head through the the door*
Claire: it's just me and Alison, can we come in?

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