Dove gets sick

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*4 months later, it's just under two weeks until Christmas, Ryan wakes up to the twins crying, 2:36 the clock reads, he groans, doves makes a little moaning noise, he looks at her and smiles*
Ryan: okay baby
*he get up pulls the blanket back over her, she looks very hot and sweaty and uncomfortable but she appears to be shivering, he looks at her, slightly confused and concerned but then crying brings him back out of his own mind, he flicks back into the real world and walks down the hall to the hall, sorts out the twins, calming them down and puting them beach to sleep, he walks back into dove and she still doesn't look very good, he gets back into bed, puts his arm around her and falls asleep as she unconsciously snuggles into him, later on Ryans alarm rings at 8am, he wakes up, turns off the alarm, he rolls over and snuggles his head into her neck, attempting to wake her up, he clearly had but as opposed to the usual turning over and kissing him she just moaned and rolled over, he laughed*
Ryan: alright you you can stay here for another half an hour
*dove just makes moaning noises*
Ryan: baby are you okay
*dove just kinda moans again*
Ryan: baby what's wrong?
Dove: i feel sick and my chest and stomach hurt
*he puts his hand on her forehead*
Ryan: okay you're burning up
Dove: my head is pounding
Ryan: I'll get you a pain killer
Dove: it won't help
Ryan: how do you know?
Dove: I just do
Ryan: okay I'm gonna get you a doctors appointment
Dove: Ryan, I can't get up, I'm too weak
Ryan: okay I'm going to call an ambulance
Dove: ry no!
Ryan: Chlo this is serious someone need to look at you
Dove: then I'll go to the doctors
*she tries to sit up and putting in all her energy she manages to sit up*
Ryan: babe you can barely sit up, I'm calling them okay?
Dove: okay
*a few tears fall from her eyes*
Dove: I'm scared Ryan
*her eyes are really wide and he sees fear and pain covering them*
Ryan: I know but it'll all be okay
*he dials 911, tells them what's happening and about ten minutes later they arrive, Ryans lets them in then leads them up to dove*
Med 1: alright then love what's you name
Ryan: Chloe McCartan
Med 1: alright Chloe how old are you
Dove: 22
Med 2: okay can you explain to us what's wrong
*the pain clearly becomes worse because she starts crying, they look to Ryan*
Ryan: she said she felt sick, her chest and stomach hurt and she had a really bad headache, she was also really weak, she could barely sit up in bed
Med 1: you thinking what I'm thinking
Med 2: she's got the virus
Med 1: yeah
Ryan: what's going on?!
Med 1: she's got a virus that's been going round, we'll take her in and they should be able to clear it quickly
Ryan: so she'll be okay?
Med 2: as long as nothing goes wrong she should be
*theres a knock at the door and Ryan remembers Claire was coming over, he runs to let her in*
Claire: Ryan what's going on I saw an ambulance outside, where's Chloe?! Is she okay?!
Ryan: she's pretty sick Claire but they're gonna take her to hospital and they said they should be able to clear the virus she's got pretty quickly
Claire: oh my god
Ryan: Claire I'm gonna go with her in the ambulance can you watch the twins for a while, I need to be with her
Claire: yes you do and of course I can but just please give me a call if anything happens
Ryan: I will
*dove is put on a stretcher and wheeled out*
Claire: Chloe!
*claire exclaims as the stretcher goes past, Ryan gives Claire a nod and runs out with them, they get into the ambulance and drive off to hospital*

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