The wedding - part 2

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*a few hours later it's 9:15and the limo is coming to get them at 10, the girls are all ready with their hair and makeup done and dresses on and they are all sat in the living room talking and laughing and having fun, the twins are all dressed up, Colton is driving over to pick up Alfie at quarter to 10 as dove refused to let Ryan break the whole not seeing the bride before the wedding tradition*
Dove: this is just a so special for me that you guys are all here
Claire: I can't believe my baby sisters getting married
Alison: and it's to my brother
Dove: I'm so excited
Alison: I honestly don't understand why, it's only Ryan
*dove laughs*
Dove: he's the love of my life, you know it's really weird to think that when we first met we hated each other
Sofia: really?!
Dove: yeah he though I was arrogant and self important and I though he was cocky and a jerk
Victoria: woah seriously?!
Dove: yeah I remember telling V about it
Veronica: oh my god yes she was raging about him over the phone and then she called me back after the chemistry reads and was just like 'V oh my gosh I was soooooo wrong, he so amazing oh my god the chemistry it was just, I feel so awkward now*
Jess: and she still is
Dove: shut up
*she shoves her lightly and everyone laughs*
Emmy: well anyway congratulations to you
Shelby: yeah
Dove: shelby I have to ask you now when are you and Lucas gonna go public
Shelby: what?! what are you talking about?!
Jess: come on shelbs don't lie to us
Shelby: you guys have all gone nuts
Emmy: we really haven't
Shelby: fine Lucas and I are a thing there you happy now
Dove: how long have you been 'a thing'
Shelby: I don't know 6 months maybe
Victoria: woah and we're only just being told
Shelby: okay let's talk about something else like this wedding that's happening in like two hours, or Emmy and Max's as yet undated wedding like what's up with that or Joey and Audrey's wedding next year
Audrey: don't you change the subject you
Dove you guys are insane
Emmy: love you too
*Meanwhile the guys are finally ready at 9:40*
Colton: right I've gotta go pick up the little man then we are to drive down to the church so everyone must have absolutely everything ready by the time I get back
Ryan: yeah guys so come on this has to go perfect
Brian: Colton go!!
Colton: bye
*5 minutes later he arrives at dove and ryans, picks up Alfie and drives back, the guys all drive up to the church where the guests are starting to arrive, Bonnie, the rest of the descendants guys, Victoria (justice), a few of the guys from rocky horror and some other friends and family making up about 120 people including those in the wedding party, back at the apartment however the limo was not yet there*
Dove: where is it, it should be here by now, what if there's something wrong, what if it doesn't come, what if....
Alison: Chlo Hun chill, you've still got five more minutes until it's supposed to arrive
Dove: ugh but I don't want to wait any longer
*the limo comes down the road*
Sofia: looks like you won't have to
*the driver gets out, opens the door and they get in before driving off to the church where the wedding awaits*

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