Knuckles x reader: Amber Flames

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You are a (A/T).

Names are just titles, stars are just meteors, and the moon is just a satellite but they probably hold the most History than any book ever written.

She gave a big huff as she let the three large logs which she had been carrying clatter to the ground with a big racket.

"Shhhh!" she scolded the pieces of wood.

Once she was sure the logs wouldn't move again she proceeded to place them in an arrangement along with the other logs previously transported into an order that would guarantee the preservation of a flame.

The bouncy (A/T) grew excited at the thought of a campfire like the ones when she was a kid as she pulled out a small box of matches and lighting a piece of tinder before dropping it amongst the logs. As the flame grew steadily she blew hot breath into her glove covered numb hands. On Angel Island it got a lot colder a lot faster than down below, soon the snow would set in.

And to ensure that the stubborn guardian known as Knuckles didn't catch a cold she offered to make a campfire every night. Despite her worry Knuckles said not to bother as all he needed was a scarf. So she was determined to prove that she could be bothered with my than a scarf. The smell of smoke soon hit her in the face and she knew the fire was ready.

Meanwhile however Knuckles who had been taking a nap had woken to the strong sent of burning and immediately thought the worst thinking Eggman had attacked blind siding him, but a quick dash down the temple steps he jolted to a stop seeing (Y/N) kneeling on the ground poking the flames of a campfire with a stick.

"Oh! Hey Knuckles! I made a campfire!" the (A/T) greeted him smiling sweetly and pointing out the obvious.

"I can see that." he replied trying to drop his battle stance as causally as possible.

"Well I don't want you catching a cold, after all who would protect the Master Emerald?" she asked rhetorically.       

Taking a seat next to her he was almost instantly glad for the warmth the fire provided.

I would probably ask you. He thought.

Knuckles would never admit it but over her time spent on Angel Island he felt that she was probably the only person he'd ever trust with the Master Emerald. In fact neither of them could remember when she started living on Angel Island with Knuckles, and she always volunteered to look after the large green gem whenever Sonic needed the Echidnas aid.

But she was always left with strict rules.

1. Don't touch the ME

2. Don't let anyone else on the Island (especially Eggman!)

3. Don't get any closer than two feet to the ME

4. And be sure to feed all the Chao's

But it seemed that the cold whether had put any possible enemies off as Knuckles hadn't needed to go an adventure for a while. Which (Y/N) was secretly pleased with because it got boring on the Island without him.

"Wow, it got dark really quickly." her gentle voice came in snapping him out of his thoughts.

As an instinct both of them glanced up to the sky to gaze at the stars.

"Do you know any constellations?" she wondered.

"A few." he replied simply.

But it didn't take much until he was happily pointing out as many constellations as he could spot. First it was the lion shaped stars of the constellation Leo, the kite shaped one called the Little Dipper and the basic shape of Cancer. (Y/N) then thought she'd be smart and point out Orion's belt but she was quickly corrected and shown the rest of the constellation which was in fact Orion the Hunter.

"How do you know so many?" she demanded finding his account of each star in the sky a little bit more than just impressive.

"Well there isn't much to do at night so I like to spot all the constellations." he answered.

But rather than his usual voice lined with stubbornness (Y/N) was able to hear a sense of pride, recognition in his voice. Knowing all too well about Knuckles being the last of his kind (Y/N) could understand him finding comfort in the stars, after all they held the most history than most things.

Yes you had books, old parchments, carved tablets and artefacts but stars held so much more, having have been up there for so many years and observing all of History pass over the years.

"It's funny isn't it?" she suddenly came out with.

"What is?"

"Over all the years and centuries there's one thing that hasn't ever changed, and that's the stars and the moon." she stated.

Her observation surprised him, but she was right.

"But when it boils down to it names are just titles, stars are just meteors, and the moon is just a satellite." she added.

"True, but the world would be a very dull place without them." Knuckles commented.

"So come on then, I know that's not all the constellations out there. What others are there?" she asked, knowing he was eager to carry on his star gazing lesson.

"Well that ones plough..." he began.

And many more hours were spent learning the names of the stars and what History each one of them had.

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