Sir Gawain x reader: A Little Flustered (Black Knight)

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You are a (A/T)

Never forget the Nobelist of hearts.

Contently walking over the fields (Y/N) held a bundle of daisies headed back to her village. She had spent the day in the meadow enjoying the summer sun, but also to gather herbs which her mother used for healing. Coming to the edge of the field and passing the hedges the path the led to the village came into view.

(Y/N) whistled a low yet happy tune to herself as she reached the village as every one bustled about. The crops would be harvested soon, children were playing about with toy swords and girls braided have others hair as the mothers attended the house.

"Did you have a nice trip?" (Y/N)'s mother asked when she reached her small house, her mother outside beating the rug.

"Yes thank you, and I even got a bunch of daisies to lighten up the kitchen." she smiled showing the bunch.

"How lovely, I'll put them in some water now." her mother said delicately taking the flowers. 

(Y/N) was left outside and was about to pull the rug down when the village gossip caught her ear.

"So did you hear?"

"The young lad traveled to Camelot."

"Passed the tests with flying colours."

"To think someone from here is now a Knight of Camelot."

They can't mean!?  

"Excuse me? Whom exactly are you talking of?" (Y/N) asked politely.

"Why that young lad Knuckles who left this autumn, word is he is now officially a Knight of Camelot." one of the village ladies happily explained.

"Thank you very much for telling me." (Y/N) thanked them.

She then dashed back to her house and flung open the door.

"Mother! I wish to travel to Camelot!"


"Now are you sure you have everything you need?" (Y/N)'s mother asked anxiously.

"Yes mother I'm sure, and I'll be using the recommended route so I shouldn't run into bandits." (Y/N) reassured her. 

(Y/N) was all set with a leather bag stuffed with her dresses, blankets, supplies and her savings from various jobs over the years around the village. Draped in her cape she had her softest shoes on and was ready for the long journey ahead. 

"Is there any way I can convince you not to look for work in Camelot? I'm sure there are plenty of jobs around here." her mother gently tried to persuade her.

"Mother you know as well as anyone I've been wanting to travel to Camelot for as long as I can remember." (Y/N) smiled sweetly.

Her mother gave an understanding smile.

"Very well then, but remember to use your dagger if needed."

"I will mother I promise."

After a rather emotional goodbye (Y/N) headed for Camelot.

Unfortunately she couldn't travel by horse back as she would then have to rent a stable when she arrived at Camelot. So she traveled by foot. It would be a days walk to Camelot but she knew it would be worth it, yes there were more jobs in Camelot. But there was also another reason....

"Going somewhere little lass?"

Looking up although (Y/N) was using a trail there were two rough bandits, a black fox and grey cat, skulking their way towards her.

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