Fairy Tale Special - Sonic x reader: Snow White

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You are a (A/T)

With hair as black as night, lips as red as blood and skin as white as snow....

Once in a distant land actually not too far from here, there laid a kingdom in which a king and queen lived, King (F/N) and Queen (M/N), loved and cherished by each and every citizen. They could do no wrong in their eyes. And so the kingdom happily flourished, being by far the most powerful kingdom in the country. 

And one day the queen was leisurely taking a stroll through the castle garden, a sweet hum emitting from her delicate throat. She wondered through the hedge maze which she knew like the back of her hand, and then to the fountain before making it to by far her favourite spot... the rose garden.   

Several rose bushes were placed around a marble bench which the queen sat on in her lavish gown. As she sat down and admired the beauty of each flower she could have gotten drunk on the scent of them all. And then like a little child she reached out to one and stroked it's petals, but she quickly with drew her hand when it was pierced by a thorn.

She hissed in pain but then noticed that a single drop of blood had fallen on a white rose. Staring at the sight she smiled and thought out loud....

"When I am to bare a child I wish her to be a lady, with hair as black as the night, lips as red as the drop of blood and skin as white as snow." 

That year the queen did indeed fall pregnant, and when the snow was thick on the land a frail little (A/T) was born. The queen cried tears of joy as she held her daughter with her husband sat next to her, holding them both in a hug.

"What shall we call her my love?" the king asked.

She looked at her child and pondered. She had (H/C) hair, delicate lips and being such a tiny and premature thing didn't have much colour to her pale (F/C) fur yet.

"I would very much like to call her (Y/N), it is a delicate name for such a delicate thing as her." the queen decided.

"A very fitting name." the king agreed.

Even though her birth name was (Y/N), due to her pale complexion and the winter she was born in she very often had the nickname of 'Snow White'.

And so Princess 'Snow White' was gladly received by the rest of the kingdom. And for an instant everything was good, happy. But then that instant was over....

For five happy years later that was when disaster struck. It was the anniversary of the king and queens marriage, an annual celebration which brought friends from the neighbouring kingdoms for a feast, and for festivals to be held in the village.

But as the queen sat in her chair beside her husband at the feast table she looked to her guests, however they weren't looking at her. They all pointed and smiled, looking as if they were complimenting someone. But it wasn't the queen.

She followed their gaze to the child sat next her, her own daughter. Stealing all of the attention and beauty away from her. Feeling her mothers gaze (Y/N) looked up with her big eyes and red lips giving her a sweet smile, which soon faded when the queen, her own mother, didn't return it. 

"Is anything the matter mother?" (Y/N) asked in her voice as melodic as song birds. 

"No, nothing at tall." she snapped, that motherly tone leaving her voice for ever more.

That night the queen stood in front of her mirror and stared in horror. In her minds eye she was no longer beautiful. She lost all her beauty and she knew when it happened, as soon as she gave birth to perfect 'Snow White'.  

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