Metal Sonic x reader (New Year Special)

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You are a (A/T)

Robots can feel too you know?

" 'Sorry (Y/N) but you can't come on missions as you haven't got enough experience', that's what he said. But tell me this Sonic, if I don't join you on missions then how else can I get experience!?"

It was no secret at the moment that (Y/N) was a little angry, but just a little.

"Jeez! I can use my (weapon) better than anyone else, I know how to defeat Eggman's robots and I can defend myself easily enough. But he just has to keep giving the excuse that I'm  younger then Tails. Well the last time I checked Tails was 15! And Amy joined the gang when she was 12!" she continued to openly rage walking down town.

Ignoring the odd glances she was getting off people she was walking past she angrily recalled her conversation with Sonic that morning. She'd gone over to the workshop and asked him straight away and there he was with the prepared speech on 'how important experience is'.

She tried to argue that she'd never learn from observing the missions from afar with Tails, sometimes on her own as well. But he treated her like a child putting the conversation to an end not even letting her say what she wanted to, so she stormed out of there.

I've got to find some way of showing the gang I can take part in their missions....

"Wah! There's a monster!"

"Get away! Run away!"

(Y/N) jumped at the sound of two kids screaming, a boy rabbit and cat them came dashing out of the back on alleyway with tears in there eyes. They dashed right past her calling for their mothers but now (Y/N) was curious, glancing down the alleyway she couldn't see anything obviously out of place. 

What did they mean by monster? Probably some drunk, but if it's something I can beat...

Her mind sparked at the idea. If there was something she could beat down there and showed it off to the gang they might finally let her on missions.

Heading down the bleak path the alleyway smelt of stale beer and air vents were whirring coming from the backs of all the food joints. Ignoring the smell to the best of her ability she came up to a dead and and only saw lined overflowing bins.

"Kids and there imaginations I guess." she sighed.

Disappointed she turned to leave already thinking of something else to impress the gang with, but she felt something sharp grab at her ankle!

"What the!?"

Looking down her face paled as she saw a pair of red eyes glaring up at her.

"Let go!" she shrieked aiming her (weapon).

But before she could (shoot/swing) it the creature stuttered something.


It then dropped lifeless onto the floor. 


Still holding her (weapon) close she cautiously knelt down next the creature shaking a little and saw that it wasn't actually living, because it was a robot.

"What even is this thing?" she asked out loud.

But as she took in its appearance she gasped out loud seeing it's resemblance of a certain blue hedgehog.

"I-it can't be...." 


Right, I just need to tighten this screw and then I'm done...

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