Shadow x child!reader: Hero

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You are a 6 year old human.

Mummy and Daddy always told her about the global hero's. So why had she never been told about him?

The noir and crimson hedgehog glared at a length at the brown haired human with dull eyes which were the definition of insanity and laid behind the cracked lenses of his glasses. The only sound filling the silence of the abandoned office being the stifled sobs of a young (H/C) haired child bound by a neck lock by her relation of the same species.

"Take one more step hedgehog and girly here...."

He filled the rest of his sentence by pressing the barrel of a standard pistol against the side of the terrified infants head.

Shadow had to be careful. He may be fast but he knew that even he couldn't beat the speed of a bullet. But drastic times caused for drastic measures.

Both the captor and hostage thought to have over hear the mumble of a word but then the pitch black creature vanished in a flash of an emerald green light. The captor grew rigid not knowing what the hedgehog was planning and the hostage gave a small whimper at the loss of her last hope of being saved.


At the yell of that single word the captor felt a large metallic object crash harshly into the back of his neck, dropping his pistol he fell to the floor only seeing black.

Silently Shadow allowed himself a short sigh of relief glad his plan had worked to Chaos Control behind the disgusting human and knock him unconscious with a kick to the back of his head. But his attention was quickly taken as the young girl tried to crawl from under the now passed out man.

Without a word he roughly shoved the man on his back, still drooling from the assault, before gently placing the young girl back on her feet. Still sniffling she tried to wipe away her stray tears and runny nose. Her school summer dress was torn at the skirt and one of her pigtails was undone as one of her hairbands had snapped earlier.

Leaning on one knee Shadow quickly scanned the child for any obvious wounds, nothing serious thankfully apart from a couple of bruises here and there which would heal nicely.

"Your safe now." he reassured the small thing.

Finding the usual question 'are you okay' a little pointless.

"Th-thank you...." she stuttered.

Her politeness even this type of situation surprised the hedgehog a little. Reminding him of another helpless, innocent and polite child he'd once known.

"W-who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog and your parents sent me here to get you." he explained in words she'd understand.

In fact it was her parents fault essentially that her life had been in such danger a few seconds ago, more specifically her father, who was the owner of a large industrial company. The drooling brunette had taken the young girl hostage demanding a ransom knowing that the father would pay anything to ensure the safety of his doting daughter.

Naturally GUN was contacted and they sent in Shadow knowing he could complete the rescue mission successfully.

Just then several other GUN agents came into the room securing it. One of which gave Shadow the job of taking (y/N) back to the nearest GUN headquarters where her parents would be. Knowing that Chaos Control would be too taxing for her he new that skating there would be the second quickest option.

"Come with me." Shadow said extending a hand to the small girl to be sure she wouldn't stay too far from him.  

"Where are we going?" she asked timidly slipping her tiny hand into his large gloved one.  

"Don't worry, I'm taking you back to your parents ."

Giving a nod she blinked her sore eyes as they headed out into the dark street outside the office building, but (Y/N) gave a small yelp at the sight of the dark digging her nails into the fur of Shadow's arm clinging onto it furiously.

"It's too dark!" she cried answering Shadow's unspoken question.

Knowing her recent experience had left her jumpy without a word he simply picked the child up before carrying on down the street. Still nervous about the dark (Y/N) stayed quiet but found Shadow really nice for saving and carrying her, also his chest fur was very furry and soft. But you know a child can never be quiet for too long. 

"Are you spy?" she suddenly asked in her sugar mouse voice, her blood shot eyes once again white.

"No, I'm an agent." he answered stoutly.

"And what does an agent do?"

"Carry out missions."

"What do you do on your missions?"

"Help people."

(Y/N) paused for a second.

"So your hero!" she squealed throwing her arms in the air.

"Not exactly." he replied trying to keep his grip on the child.

"When mommy and daddy watch the news I see Sonic the Hedgehog whose also a hero!" she continued to ramble on.

But the dark his Shadow's silent glare at the hero who always got given the fame, even if others helped him.

"But I think you're much braver than him." she commented wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a squeeze.

"And why do you say that?" he asked not liking her previous action too much.

"Sonic fights Eggman whose funny with his big moustache but you aren't even scared of guns!"

Shadow found her opinions amusing to say in the least, silently thinking of how much her words would piss off the blue blur of a faker. It was then that they both reached the GUN headquarters where (Y/N)'s anxious parents were waiting. 

She ran over to them excitedly in a root reflex and naturally they locked into a hug that could knock the breath out a wrestler.

Shadow however didn't feel any warm fuzzing feeling inside at the scene that would bring someone watching a movie like this to tears. All he thought was that his mission was done. After the trio had calmed down to leave they thanked the commander before turning to leave, Shadow followed the same action but in a different direction. 


Only just turning around Shadow felt something wrap around his legs, looking down (Y/N) was hugging him hard her head barely reaching the bottom of his torso. The action surprised him but then she looked up at him giving him the biggest smile.

"Your my hero."

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