Tails x reader: University life

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You are a (A/T)

Enjoy your time in education, not the learning part, the part where you're with your friends

As usual on a sunny day, or rather any day during term time, the university grounds were bustling with students and teachers getting on with various chores. The Spagonia University was by far one of the most known and famous in Mobius, impossible grade boundaries and interviews had to be passed before you could even view one of the classrooms.

And Tails was fully aware of this, which is why he was incredibly proud of himself to be walking around the grounds as he was, a student. After all his years of studying and discussions with Sonic, he could finally try and achieve his ultimate personal goal, to attend the university of his dreams. And he'd done it, even at the ripe age of 16.

At first the other students in his engineering and mechanics class had called him the baby of the class, which quickly changed to the champion of the class when he showed off his skills. Headed to the library to find a book his lecturer had recommended, the path having bushes either side dotted with benches. But then he heard a slight rustling in the bushes.

Probably some woodland creatures, he thought shaking off his root reflexes from the many years of fighting Eggman. When suddenly a (A/T) in a soldiers uniform came dashing out from the bushes covered in blood! Before Tails could show any shock three other soldiers chased after the first with terrifying face wounds!

"You traitor!" they cried, stabbing the first soldier in the back causing a waterfall of blood to gush everywhere.

"What on Mobius!?" Tails shrieked in hysterics some of the blood having stained him.


All of a sudden the scarred soldiers sighed and stopped there course, followed by various other students coming from all sides and the bushes carrying various equipment. Tails was quick to deduce they had been filming.

"You there what are you doing!? You ruined our shot!"

"It's your fault Toby you were meant to keep the other students away!"

"But it's impossible to keep the area clear at this time of day!"

"But the lighting is perfect!"

"Oh sweet Chaos..." Tails sighed to himself, as he witnessed the hubbub and the now crimson stain on his shirt.

Who then appeared to be the director pointed harshly at a brown fox who was helping the first, now bloody solider, with their costume.

"Arts department! We need another soldier's uniform ASAP! And more fake blood!"

"No can do sorry." the brown fox replied calmly still helping the bloody soldier.


"We agreed to help you on such short notice and your taking that tone with us? I have a right mind not to help you especially after you demanded one of our crew fill in for one of your actors."

"Why you!"

As the crew bickered about the light, who was supposed to keep what away and the need for new props Tails slumped on the ground trying to process all that had happened in the past minute. And I thought university was supposed to be less stressful than saving all of Mobius.

"Hey are you alright?"

Looking up he saw the bloody soldier which had dashed out from the bushes first, only to see they were a girl, her (H/L) hair previously being tucked under her hat.

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