Shadow x reader: Rumours

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This one is based on a fan headcannon that due to Maria Shadow enjoys 'girlie' things.

You are a (A/T)

That's what boys do or that's what girls do. No its what anyone can do.

A shrill bell rang throughout the locker laced high school corridors as the liberated students leaked out of the classroom content with their 40 minute lunch break before the torture resumed. Some made a dash to the cafeteria, ran off to the library to hurriedly complete homework due in the next lesson, and then there were the regulars who stood in one pace clogging the corridors.

As usual however Shadow was the last to leave the classroom, leaving the room with several text books under his arm he felt something brush against his wrist, holding it up he gave a quiet grumble at seeing his cuff button had fallen off. He silently cursed at himself for not fixing it the previous day when he'd spotted it. Although, it did give him an excuse.  

So not needing to buy any food, not caring for the crowded rooms as a result he made his own lunch, he headed to the design and technology block. But despite the fact he was walking with his own company, it was still aggravating as he caught onto the talk of the other students about him.

"Apparently if you look directly into his eyes you get cursed."

"I bet he only eats meat seeming though he's so well built."

"Word is when he's not studying he's training and working out and that he barely sleeps."

"He's just so hard to figure out."

In his head he mentally swore and screamed at them to shut up, knowing however that if he said anything a new rumour would only start up that he had intense hearing, when in actual fact it wasn't hard at all to hear what they were saying when they were talking in such loud whispers. Blocking out the other various rumours Shadow made it to the textiles block, heading upstairs to the first floor where the textiles rooms were.

Giving a quick knock on the door he went inside, the classroom holding several desks and sewing machines lining the back wall on a counter, along with a large work desk at the other end of the room. It was empty apart from one (A/T) sat at the counter sewing a seam of an item at the machine.

She glanced up and seeing who the visitor was gave a smile before asking "Oh hey Shadow, what brings you to the realm of threads and ribbons today?" her eyes back on her work.

"A button fell off my cuff."

"Well you know where everything is right?"


Opening a draw from the equipment draw Shadow borrowed a needle and reel of thread before taking a seat at a random desk and started to mend the cuff. Meanwhile (Y/N) finished her seam and holding up the item it appeared to be a half made dress. She mounted it onto a manikin standing back to look at her work in progress, before going to Shadow as he stitched away.

"I've said it before but I still find it impressive that you can mend your own clothes. Not many guys do." she started a conversation perching on a nearby desk.

"There shouldn't be anything impressive about it, it's a basic skill both genders should know." he answered not looking up from his stitches.

"Yeah I know, sadly not all guys see it that way. They just come barging in here demanding us textiles students fix their torn blazers."


"Okay what's wrong, you're usually up for more of a conversation that this."  

Even though there were many rumours about Shadow whispered loudly about the school, there were none concerning as to why he visits the technology block so often. It had started at the beginning of the school year. Barely a week into the new year and Sonic and Knuckles had started a spar, it being friendly banter or proper fights was unknown.

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