Mephiles x reader: Why?

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You are a (A/T)

It doesn't hurt to be kind.

The sea lapped back and fourth in a high tide night having already fallen. It was a beautiful sight, the beach at night. A sight which (Y/N) liked to enjoy. Walking along the beach not to close to the tide she took in the view of the moonlight sea, it would be a full moon tomorrow night.

It was her routine to often visit the beach knowing the rides like the back if her hand. But as she gazed off into the distance there was something in the sea she didn't recognise.

"What's that?"

She jogged over with curiously and slight panic. But the object itself wasn't a thing but rather a someone. A hedgehog heavily wounded clawed at the wet sand beneath him, the first instance of land he had come into contact with since he'd been plunged into the sea in his last battle.

Had he not struggled and attempted to swim he surely would have ended up at the bottom of the ocean never achieving the chance to heal. But now he had to keep moving in the hopes his enemies won't find him. At least he was no longer in the ocean.

"Are you alright!?"

Jolting at someone grabbing his arm attempting to lift him up Mephlise thrashed about weakly.

"Stop moving I'm trying to help you!" (Y/N) pleaded.

Had Mephikes been in full strength he wouldn't have hesitated to kill this girl who had seen him. But he was too heavily wounded, and without a chaos emerald he was belittled to the weakness of a mortal. And so he fell limp as the (A/T) dragged him away from the shore and onto dry sand.

Looking at the male hedgehog who had black fur and teal streaks, (Y/N) had never seen anyone like him before and was starting to panic about his many wounds.

"Right stay still and don't move. I'm going to call an ambulance!"

She hated to leave the hedgehog but she had accidentally left her phone at home, and so had to run to the bear by phone box at the edge of the road next to the beach. The ambulance thankfully came quickly and she accompanied the now uncurious hedgehog to the hospital.

Promptly being told he would easily survive and to leave given that visiting hours were over. She returned to the hospital the next day only to be told that the hedgehog had left. Without so much if a trace. She was worried about the stranger and wished she could have made sure he was okay, but it was as though he has dissolved into thin air.

"I didn't even get to ask what his name was."

- Several Weeks Later ~

Back and fourth, back and fourth, back and fourth, (Y/N) was watching the waves at night again. After she'd helped that hedgehog she came back every night, hopes of seeing him again and because she simply enjoyed the sight.

She would walk to and back across the beach always to be slightly disappointed, but it slowly grew less and less. She had no connection to that hedgehog so why should she look for him? Maybe it was best to just leave it.

And then she saw him. In the exact same spot he had been fighting for his life. Dashing over to him she stopped him having yet to see her exclaiming in delight.

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