Halloween Special: Spells Resolved

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During the night which came after a day of many troubles, there seemed to be many shadows moving around alley ways, window sills, basements and woods. But one appeared to be alive.

A black cat daintily stepped through lamp post lit streets before making its way to an open grassy area.

There sat a witch, perched on her broom stick with a pointed hat above her head. The cat jumped into her lap purring at the affection it received from her.

"I take it you took care of that little 'Spell Miss-Hap'?"

It meowed in response.

"Good, I can't believe that one of my old spell books would end up there, and anyway that spell could have been cast by anyone. Even a little child." She chuckled to herself.

The cat purred in agreement.

"No matter though, that little spell was resolved easily enough and I think that girl had an awful lot of fun thanks to that little enchantment. But with that sorted now we must prepare for Halloween." The witch smiled.

With that her laughter echoed through the air as she rode off into the night.

Although before we finish she has one last thing to say to make things right.

"Now remember this, and remember it well,

A lot can go wrong in my world, even with a simple enchantment or spell,

Because with a few words plenty of trouble can be made,

But like all good magic every potion and spell will fade,

So I leave you tonight with all things resolved under a full moon,

Now all must make haste to prepare for the magic of Halloween, that will be with us soon."

This book has reached over 17k reads and over 1k votes, you guys constantly read my chapters and you leave fabulous comments...

I just want to say thank you so much!!! 

Seriously guys I write these one shots for you! So the fact that you enjoy and appreciate them all makes every word count to me! Which is why I gave you this double whammy one shot specials, that and I love Halloween.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!! And..

👻 💀😈 🎃🍬🍭🍫HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 👻💀😈🎃🍬🍭🍫

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