Mephiles x reader: You Can't Be Alone (Christmas Special)

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You are a (A/T)

No one should be alone at Christmas.

"Okay, so it's a left at the willow tree, strait ahead for about ten minutes, and then the scary mansion will be in sight!" (Y/N) said to herself.

Pleased she'd remembered the directions she needed to take she headed off into the forest.

Now a snow covered forest is anything but unusual in December, nor is a (A/T) walking through one of these forests. But her intentions of walking through this forest would certainly seem odd to some.

" 'I have no interest in celebrating mortal festivities', 'why would I take part in such trivial things?' " (Y/N) mumbled go herself in a mocking deep voice.

She gave a scoff.

"He may not think Christmas is worth celebrating but I certainly do. I'll get him back to my place even if I have to drag is crystal tail back there myself." She continued to think out loud.

About a year ago (Y/N) had been in a dangerous situation, involving drunks, violence and unlit streets. And she would have surely been seriously injured or worse if a hedgehog hadn't intervened. But that hedgehog, who she later learned was called Mephiles, had been very disorientated, and wasn't even sure of what he had been doing.

He had just lashed out and killed whatever made any loud sounds mistaking them for his enemies, clearly not in the right frame of mind. So (Y/N) feeling indebted to him felt the need to help him out, at first he had been very cold and harsh to her when she'd taken him back to her place and treated his wounds. But it was his poor condition that convinced him to except her aid.

Eventually though he no longer wished to take residence in her house so they came to the agreement that he'd stay in the abandoned mansion located in the forest, and she'd visit him regularly. As he'd never really fully recovered, and neither could deny that they had each developed a fondness to each other.

So here (Y/N) was, walking through the snow headed to where Mephiles was.

"I don't care if he doesn't want to celebrate Christmas, I don;t want to be alone and he can endure a couple of days." she continued to mumble.

But she gave a violent shiver when a brisk wind cut straight through her.

"Shit, maybe I should have worn a thicker coat..."

And things didn't get any better when snow started to fall thickly, to the point that it was hard to see.

Slowly she started to panic as she lost her way, she could see which way to go and it was getting dark, when she thought the daylight would last a little longer. Gradually the snow was getting thicker until the point it was ankle deep.

I need to find the mansion and now....

A she stumbled blindly she was all too aware of the numbing sensation crawling all over her body, first her feet went numb, then her hands, and then her cheeks, until she felt like ice all over. And it got to the point that she didn't notice her eyes close and knees give way from underneath her.

Collapsing into the snow she showed no signs of moving again....


Why is it so warm? I thought I was in the snow, I was freezing all over. I don't want to open my eyes in case the warmth melts away.

Eventually though she edged her eyes open and gradually sat up her joints still a little sore from the cold, and her other senses became aware as she heard the crackling of a fire as she saw she was in an old lavish looking room, a fire place lit and glowing.

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