Glasses: Knuckles

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Following on from 'Glasses'.

You are still a (A/T)

I am not wearing my glasses!

"What's the menu today?" (Y/N) asked the dinner lady rubbing her head.

"Well we've got the usual chips and jacket potatoes, but the main meal is lasagna today. Which would you like my dear?"

"I'll take a bowel of chips please." (Y/N) decided.

It was days like this a girl needed her comfort food. Carrying her tray to the table the rest of the gang where her hopes were met when she didn't trip.

In her current foul mood (Y/N) found some comfort in eating her food fairly fast, likening the salty taste. She wasn't paying much attention to what the conversation was this lunch period, something about Sonic not doing some maths homework.

It didn't matter much to (Y/N) as she was in the top maths class with Tails, meaning she didn't get the same homework as the rest of the gang.

"By the way (Y/N) how are you feeling?" Amy whispered to her.

"Yeah, I'm alright I guess. Got a bit of a headache." She replied.

"Well you know what you have to do to get rid of it." Amy said.

Which translates to 'for crying out loud put your glasses on!'. As the reason for her headache was because by not wearing her glasses she was making her eyes strain and the way she kept constantly banging her head wasn't helping.

But (Y/N)'s attention was taken from Amy as someone tapped her shoulder. Facing them the stain of Scarlett in her poor vision told her it was Knuckles.

"What's up Knuckles?" She asked happily.

"I was wondering if you could help me solve the last few questions on this maths homework." He asked.

This wasn't unusual. As she was in the higher class Knuckles would ask her for help with homework and revision. It was better than what Sonic did, which was get Tails to do all his homework for him.

"Yeah sure I can, but I think we might need to take this to the library." She suggested.

She might not be able to see very well, but she could hear perfectly fine. So she could tell that Sonic had started a food fight with some other students, and I don't think any maths teacher would appreciate a homework covered in apple juice and grease stains.

"Good idea." He agreed.

The library always had a soothing atmosphere, plus it was quiet meaning it have (Y/N)'s headache a small chance to improve.

Grabbing a desk Knuckles pulled out the work sheet and read out the questions he needed help with, much to (Y/N)'s relief. She was able to help him answer them fairly easily. But just as they finished the work sheet (Y/N) clutched her stomach as it started to hurt.

Crap! I ate my lunch to fast and now I've got indigestion!

"Thanks (Y/N), I owe you one as usual." Knuckles thanked her. 

"It's no problem really, it's better than you just looking up the answers or getting someone else to answer them. Like someone else we know." She commented, trying her best to ignore her throbbing head and sore stomach.

Just then the bell rang loud and clear, and the pair packed up there stuff.

"I'll see you later then." Knuckles.

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