Knuckles x child!reader: Big Brother

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You are a 5 year old (A/T)

Big brothers will usually protect their siblings all the time, giving the lousy excuse that their the only ones who can pick on their siblings.

"She's five years old and they still aren't gone! 'Wait till she's five', that's what you said!"

"I'm sure they'll go away soon enough." a helpless mother pleaded.

Meanwhile a cowering (A/T) hid behind her mum, clasping the fabric of her trouser leg anxiously looking at the man who was supposed to be her father.

"No! I gave it five years, I'm getting rid of her!"

With that he grabbed the child's arm and dragged her out the small apartment as she kicked and screamed, all the while the mother begging him to let her stay. But a swift punch to the women's stomach quickly left her unable to defend her child.

As the man sped walked down the street he ignored the looks he got from passers by, who questioned the state of the child with their eyes. Why exactly was he so desperate to get rid of his biological child? Because she was different.

Since she was born (Y/N) had small horns placed at the sides of her forehead, which her father called 'devil horns' due to them being the same shape as the typical images of the devil. Her mother had only just been able to convince her husband that the horns would grow out or fall off by the time she was five. But as that obviously hadn't happened, (F/N) had had enough.

He didn't need the 'spawn of the devil' living in his house.

"Daddy please let me stay...." (Y/N) whimpered.

"Shut up! And I'm not your dad!" he yelled back.

"Please daddy..."

"I said, 'shut up'!"

He swung a fist and she braced herself for the impact of fist to face, but the pain never came as a boxing gloved hand cupped and prevented the intended punch easily.

"What do you think your doing trying to hit a small kid?"

Before (F/N) could defend himself he felt his daughter slip from his grip as the owner of the boxing glove gently pulled her behind him, shielding her from her father.

With shaky breath (Y/N) looked up at the man who had just helped her. He was a red echidna with dreadlocks and spiked boxing gloves instead of regular gloves.

"Your protecting a deformed creature like that?" (F/N) snarled pointing at her.

"Well your not much of a looker yourself mate." the echidna said back.

"If you want to protect that thing then you might as well keep her." (F/N) spat.

"I'm half tempted to, if it keeps the poor kid away from you." he said.

"Fine! See if I care!" he yelled.

He gave one last glare at the cowering (A/T) before walking back the way he came.

Without a word the echidna turned to face (Y/N) and kneeled down to her height, seeing her watery eyes and scared expression he gave her a small smile as to reassure her.

"Don't worry kid I'm not going to hurt you. My names Knuckles, what's yours?" he asked.

Giving a large sniff to stop her tears from falling, because she knew she was safe, she looked up at Knuckles and saw he also had purple eyes.

"I-I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the (A/T)." she timidly introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), nice pair of horns you got there." he complimented her.

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