Knuckles Boom! x reader: Lessons learned

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You are a (A/T)

Friends can learn a lot from each other.

Under the beating sun of Bygone Island a group of children stood on a beach, and they seemed to be centered around a child echidna. Whose eyes were watering as the other children bullied him. 

"Ha ha you're so dumb!"

"Yeah you can't even count to ten you silly!"

"My mum said you've never even been to school!" 

All he could do was clutch his fists and stare at his shoes, trying his best not to cry in front of the bullies.

"Can you even spell!?"

"Can you spell sand? S-A-N-D!" one kid shouted and as he did kicked sand in the echidna's face.

Stumbling back the echidna tried to get the sand out of his eyes, but ended up tripping falling to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha! He fell over!"

"Come on spell it with us! S-A-N-D!"

And then all the bullies started to kick sand at the echidna laughing as they did so.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

All the bullies stopped in an instant when they saw a (A/T) there age standing there.

"Oh no it's (Y/N!)"

"You leave him alone otherwise I'll tell my dad what you did!" she threatened running up to the bullies.

They ran off straight away not wanting to be told off leaving (Y/N) with the echidna. He got up slowly sniffling brushing the sand off him as best as he could. 

"Are you okay?" she asked sweetly.

He didn't reply and kept looking at his feet.

"Don't worry the're gone now." she continued to try and reassure him.

But he still didn't say anything.

"Come on lets get rid of all that nasty sand." she said taking his hand.

He didn't pull his hand away and let her led him back into the market place, she then led him next to the fruit stand where there was a hose pipe. Taking out a handkerchief she got it wet and gently wiped away the sand from his face.

"There you're all clean now." she smiled.

"Thank you." he said very timidly.

(Y/N) was a surprised that he had spoken and secondly that his voice was so quiet.

This was an Island where everyone knew everyone. And so everyone knew that this child echidna was different to other mobians, no one knew who his family was, he rarely spoke and he never played with the other children.

"You welcome, my dad always says to help people and those guys are bullies." she smiled.

He gave a tiny nod.

"What's you name?" she asked in her sugar sweet voice.

"Knuckles." he said shyly again.

"Hello Knuckles, I'm (Y/N) the (A/T)." she chimed holding out her hand.

But he just stared at her hand, confused.

"Don't you know how to handshake?" she asked.

He gave a small shake of his head.

"Well you take each others hands and shake them, it's a way of saying hello." she explained.

As she did she gently took his hand and showed him how to handshake. Knuckles then let his hand fall limply to his side.    

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