Halloween Special, Vampire - Shadow x reader: Finding Answers

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You are a (A/T)

Just two people trying to do something good.

It was a dark night, the moon non existent leaving dull clouds, not even a star in sight. Perfect setting for someone to go unnoticed, a particular preference for a certain ebony hedgehog who stood concealed on a random roof of the bustling city.

But he was hardly enjoying the view or taking leisure in the night, no he was awaiting orders. And sure enough they came. His phone had barely rung once before it was pressed against his ear.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Well seeming though you answered I'm guessing your available for a mission, we need you to break up a gathering at a back street on the other side of town, their causing a lot of trouble there." a mans voice came from the other end.

"Consider it done."

"Great, we'll send a couple of other hunters as well for back up."

"Don't bother, I'll have sorted it all out by the time they get there."

And with that the hedgehog hung up and set off. 


She sat there in total darkness not knowing where she was or how she could get out, all she knew was that she was blinded by the rag tied around her eyes and that she had tried to do something good, to help someone innocent but it had resulted her in being captured and put somewhere dark.

The only thing she could do was shuffle her tied ankles and bound wrists whilst listening out for the regular opening and closing of near by doors accompanied by deep voices. But soon enough those voices came closer.  

"Bring out item No. 34."

Her heart beat spiked when she felt someone tug her up to her feet and she struggled as much as she could but as soon as the ropes around her legs were snapped she was dragged somewhere else. 

"It's your turn now little girly." the same voice said.

She was then pushed onto a platform by the feeling of it before the blindfold was torn off and she was temporally blinded by blazing white lights. Glancing down a chain now ran from her wrists to a hook on the platform she now stood on preventing her from running.

So looking up again she saw that she now stood on a stage, the stage lights preventing  her from seeing much, but she could just make out that the room was a sort of hall decorated in a way that suggested wealth. And the other Mobians who were in the audience who were dressed elegantly, hiding their faces behind masquerade masks.  

But even with the blaring lights and all the masks the one thing that stood out to her the most was that every Mobian in this room, had sharp glistening fangs.

The owner of the voice who had dragged her onto the stage then began to call out to the crowd in a loud voice.

"Here we are esteemed ladies and gentlemen, item number 34! The product is 'the water of life' that runs through this young beautiful girl! At (Age) this (A/T) is sound in both mind and body, lets hear your starting bid!" 

And that was when she realized that this was an auction.

"20, 000 rings!"

"No 50, 000 rings!"

"100, 000 rings!"

But all the bids were cut short when the double doors at the back on the hall opened with a large SLAM!

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