Halloween Special, Vampire - Sonic x reader: Timeless

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Hello guys! Yes I lied about my writers block as as I am about to prove it is completely gone!

So the trick is on you! But now let me give you a treat! With a set of themed one shots once again, enjoy!

You are a (A/T)

Even the monsters of the night have friends.

He never thought this day would come, it was practically impossible. For him it was a ludicrous idea. Yet here he was, totally at a loss. Because he couldn't finish the chilli dog in front of him.

"Uh Sonic are you alright?" Tails asked glancing at his blue brother.

Snapping his head up from his half eaten chilli dog on his plate he quickly gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah course I am Tails! I just remembered there's something I got to do, see ya later!" he quickly excused himself and dashing out of the workshop.

"That was weird..." Tails mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile Sonic ran to a place that he called his 'spot' a place that he could relax and often where he went if he wanted to have a secret nap. It was just a little corner in the Green Hill zone edged with flower bushes with a small lake next to it along with a perfect tree to perch on. As long as he didn't get too close to the water though he was fine.

But when he skidded to a halt he didn't feel the same relief as he usually did when he came here, terrified he sat down on the oddly twisted branch of the tree that was at ground level with a shaky breath. Dropping his head into his hands thoughts shot through his mind.

What's happened to me? Why do I keep acting like this? I've been feeling so weird ever since that night....


It was any other night, but rather than run through the street lamp lit towns he took the liberty of enjoying a casual walk. It might sound weird to others but he liked to when he could to walk through the streets in the evening to see a completely other side to city life, not only that but it brought back a spark of his adventured with Chip.

But his admiration for night life was cut short when he heard a cry for help in a near by back street.

"Leave me alone! Help!"

It took him all but a second to run to the source of the sound and see a male raccoon trying to attack a pretty women.

"Hey get away from her!" he yelled punching the raccoon on the back of the head.

The raccoon tumbled to the floor but looked up at Sonic with the utmost concern.

"No wait! You don't understand!"

But before another word could be said Sonic felt two sharp clawed hands grip his shoulders before feeling two sharp objects pierce his neck.

With his vision turning to nothing but a blur it was his turn to fall to the floor and he could barely hear the Raccoon get up and attack the women before he passed out.

When he woke up though he found himself in a hospital with a bandage around his neck, the doctors informed him that he had apparently been mugged and he'd been stabbed with something sharp in the neck and that he was fine. In fact he left the hospital that same day.


And so here he was now, two weeks later and he still hadn't told anyone what had happened, but then again he didn't really have much a clue himself.

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