Sonic x reader: Late Night Visitor

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You are a (A/T)

Well this was certainly unexpected.

She stood absolutely still, if she even moved an inch then that was the end, game over.

Don't move, don't move, don't move...

She was nearly there.


Startled by the banging on the door she physically jolted and gave an annoyed groan looking at her TV screen. She had been playing a game where she wasn't supposed to move the game controller and now a gruesome scene was playing as the character, whom she had been trying to keep alive, was killed.

"I swear whoever is at the door better have a bloody good reason for this..." (Y/N) grumbled to herself, pausing her game and heading to the door.

Not only that but it was 21:00, so it was certainly unexpected to have someone come round her place at this time. Especially as it was raining.

Opening the door though, it didn't surprise her much anymore when her late night visitor turned out to be a famous blue blur.

"Hi (Y/N)." he greeted her happily.

"Sonic? What are you doing here?" she asked baffled.

"Oh you know me, I get bored at night and can't help myself so I go for a run." he said.

"Nice try, now why don't you tell me why your really here and I'll let you in out of the cold." she smirked placing her hand on the door frame not letting him in.

Unfortunately a drawback of the pair being friends for so long resulted in him never being able to lie to her anymore.

Knowing he couldn't win he gave a sigh and gave in telling her the truth.

"Eggman sort of... blew my place up..." he said slowly.


"We were fighting earlier this evening, he had some big useless robot as usual, and I took it down easily. But it exploded taking my place with it, it shouldn't be to hard to fix, but I couldn't really stay there tonight." he explained.

"Well why didn't you just say that? Come in silly." she smiled.

He walked in glad to be warm and out of the rain.

"Here." she said.

Turning to face her Sonic saw that she had grabbed him a towel to dry his slightly wet quills.

"Thanks." he said taking to the towel.

"Were you hurt during the fight at tall?" she asked a little worried.

"Nah, I was just left a bit dizzy after a spin dash." he reassured her.

"Alright, well do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asked.

He said no thanks, but then his eye caught onto the TV.

"Hey what game are you playing?" he asked taking a seat on the sofa.

"It's called Until Dawn, basically the choices you make determines who lives and who dies. It's based off the butterfly effect." she explained taking a seat next to him, picking up the controller.

"Butterfly effect?"

"You know the idea that small decisions and causes can have a massive effect on your future, and that whatever your future there is there were many other ways it could have turned out, good and bad." she explained.

"Man that sounds confusing." he mumbled.

"Alright, butterfly effect, if Eggman hadn't blown up your house then you wouldn't be sat in my living room right now." she said.

"Now that makes sense."

"And in more detail, butterfly effect, if Eggman hadn't blown up your place you wouldn't have come here and knocked on the door, and I wouldn't have been made jump and accidentally killed the character in the game." she continued.

"Okay I get it, small things lead to bigger things." he smiled understating now.

"Speaking of you being here, why didn't you go round someone else's place?" (Y/N) asked genuinely curious.

Sonic gave a small sigh knowing that questions was bound to come up.

"Well Tails gets too little sleep as it is always staying in his workshop late so I didn't want to risk waking him up, quiet frankly I didn't fancy finding a way to Angel Island tonight, and if I had gone to Amy she would just worry and have me wrapped up in bandages before I could tell her I wasn't injured." he explained.

"I can't argue with you there, but I don't mind you be here." she smiled.

"Butterfly effect, you not minding me being here makes me feel less guilty about me bothering you." he smirked copying her words.

"Don't be stupid, of course I don't mind helping you." she reassured him.

They spent about the next hour talking whilst (Y/N) carried on playing her game, as Sonic helped her to save as many of the characters who were left as possible. Although he may or may not have been responsible for the death of three more characters....

Soon though (Y/N) suggested they go to sleep and she showed him to her guest bedroom, and he once again thanked her for letting him stay.

But secretly (Y/N) had turned up the heating in his room hoping that by making him dry his quills as soon as possible and him sleeping in a warm room, would be enough to stop him from getting a cold in the morning.

As she wasn't stupid and knew that by running in the rain he would most likely end up making himself sick. Well she would just have to see in the morning.


*knock* *knock*

"Sonic? Are you up yet?" (Y/N) asked outside his door.

It was now morning and she had gotten dressed but Sonic hadn't made a sound so she decided to check on him.



She took that as her cue to enter, and sure enough she saw Sonic bundled up in his quilt not looking very well at tall.

"Are you alright?" she asked walking up to his bed.

"Butterfly effect, by running in the rain I got a bit of a cold." he said in a groggy voice.

She gave a small giggle at him sitting on the end of the bed.

"Another butterfly effect, because you spent the night in a nice warm room your cold isn't as bad as it could've been." she added smiling at him.

"Yeah... but I still don't feel that great now." he mumbled.

"Then you stay here and I'll fix you up something to eat." she said standing up.

But when she stood up to leave Sonic grabbed her by the wrist pulling her back onto the bed in a hug.

"Can we just stay like this for a few minutes?" he asked like a little kid.

"Okay, but only for a couple of minutes as this wont help you feel better." she agreed enjoying the cuddle.

"Fine, butterfly effect, with you here I suddenly feel better." he said.

"If you say so." she smiled.

And who knows, that butterfly effect might have led to a confession later on that day...

I got the game Until Dawn on the PS4 for my birthday and thought why not include it in a one shot.

I still have writers block but i keep pushing myself to give you guys your weekly one shots, please continue to enjoy them.

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