Sonic x reader: Retro

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You are a (A/T)

"Sonic we've got a problem!"

Jumping at Tails' sudden entrance Sonic fell on the floor off the sofa on which he had previously been napping on.

"Geez Tails! Can't a guy take a nap around here?" Sonic grumbled rubbing his sore head.

"Not when we've got a problem as big as this!"

Puling Sonic up Tails then dragged him into the workshop, where Sonic was quick to figure out the situation. When he saw Classic Tails stood there.

"Classic Tails?" he asked agape.

"Hi there Sonic!" he beamed with a small wave.

"Wh- what are you doing here? Again?"

"There was a rift in time again." Tails stated.

"Was it Eggman?"

"No I don't think so, as back in the past Classic Sonic was trying to use one of the Chaos Emeralds and he accidentally opened a portal. He got curious and went in so I of course had to follow him." Classic Tails explained.

"Which means we should be able to send them both back if we can use a Chaos Emerald." Tails added.

"So all we need to do is get a Chaos Emerald and- wait. Where's Classic?" Sonic asked.

Classic Tails' expression turned sheepish.

"I lost him when we went through the portal..." he admitted messing with his hands "But I remembered the workshop from last time so came here to get some help. The futures very different to the past."

"Okay, so basically, our classic selves have come back to the future. But it's an easy fix to send them back. But my classic self is goodness knows where."

"Yeah you summed it up pretty well. See why I was so rushed now?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on, we need to find him before anything happens!" Sonic urged.

"Why are you panicking? Classic was able to take care of himself pretty well last time." Tails shrugged.

"He's right, Classic is more than able to take care of himself. Although he can't break the sound barrier yet." Classic Tails agreed.

"Yeah and last time all of time was nearly messed up and I don't want to have to deal with that monster of a task again!" Sonic said in a rush dashing off.

Classic Tails who had been caught in the dust of Sonic taking off gave a couple cute coughs.

"Seems even in the future he still does that."

"Yep and you never get used to it." Tails gave a half smile "Come on we'd better catch up to him, lets take the Tornado.


"Lolbit! Stop flying off!"


Yelling at her Chao (Y/N) was able to just catch the troublesome thing before she tried to dash into another berry bush.

"You've had enough berries for today!"


"No! No more!"

Although it was a slight struggle (Y/N) was able to keep a grip on her berry addicted pet. Lolbit, whom was named after the extra character from Five Night's at Freddy's: Sister Location due to her pink and orange tipped limbs with white fur, was making (Y/N) life difficult at the moment.

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