Mephiles x reader: Reality

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You are a (A/T)

You can't scream in a dream


The sudden slam on the counter caused (Y/N) to jump so violently that she grew rigid and fell from her seat!

"What in Mobius!?" she shrieked looking around in a panic still on her backside.

But she was quick to shut up when she saw her boss, a grey male fox, looking down at her with a very un-amused expression.

"Would you mind explaining to me why you fell asleep at the till?" he asked.

(Y/N) worked in a small clothes shop, well she soon thought she'd have to find somewhere else to work.

"S-sorry boss, I didn't get much sleep last night..." she tried to explain herself. 

"Listen I don't care why you were asleep, just go home and get some rest. I can't afford my staff falling asleep at the till." he sighed.

(Y/N) couldn't tell if her instruction to go home was out of concern for her health or for his business. Either way after her little unplanned nap she felt better, and thought she might as well drop in on one of her friends.

Making her way to Amy's house she knew she most likely would either be in or chasing Sonic so she headed to her house hoping she'd be there. And (Y/N) certainly got an answer when she knocked on the door.

"You say one more thing to tease me about the way I chose to style my house and you'll be in for it Sonic!"

"Okay! Okay! I take it back! Just put the coffee table down!"

"Guys I think there's someone at the door."

After that last comment the door opened and (Y/N) was greeted by Tails, and when she glanced behind him she saw a rather angry looking Amy holding her coffee table above her head as she scowled at a nervous looking Sonic.    

"Oh hey (Y/N), what are you doing here?" Tails asked ignoring the extreme style wresting match going on behind him.

"You know the usual, accidentally fell asleep at work so my boss sent me home. Just wondering what you guys were doing." (Y/N) shrugged.


"Well I think Amy's killing Sonic, but come on in." Tails said.

Walking in Amy was now chasing Sonic about the house, sure he could run away easily but he kept tripping on things.

"So why are you here (Y/N)? I thought you had work today." Tails asked as they took a seat to watch Sonic's death. 

"Well as I said I fell asleep at work and my boss got pissed. And I'd rather be here than bored at home." (Y/N) explained.

"I thought you were joking because that's not like you. Did you have trouble sleeping last night?" Tails asked.

"Give me back my hammer!"

"No way! I don't want to die!"

"Actually yeah, I did have trouble sleeping. I had this weird dream, I wouldn't exactly call it scary though, it was just black everywhere. I then woke up feeling as tired as I did before I went to sleep." (Y/N) explained.

"What's this!?"

The conversation ended when Amy suddenly came up to (Y/N), and Sonic could breath again.

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