Shadow x reader: Paperwork

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You are a (A/T)

No matter the conflict there will always be a considerable amount of paper work after ward.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

*Rustle* *Flip*

*Scribble* *Scribble*

These were the constant sounds made at the desk Shadow was sat at as he typed up constant reports, flipped through past paper reports and scribbling things out he had written up about. Yes being a G.U.N agent gave him a sense of duty and purpose but sometimes the amount of paper work that came with every mission could be fucking annoying.

Any mission he came with practically came with seven pages each needing 500 words minimum, so you do the math of how many boring sentences he needed to repeat, detailing how he took down villains with about as much skill as a toddler in combat techniques. The perfect way to spend ones evening.

As he did a combination of writing and typing he became aware of a small weight on his right shoulder.

"What are you doing?" a sweet voice asked resting her chin on his shoulder peering at the very dull looking words.

"Paperwork." he replied simply.

Knowing all too well was his girlfriend whom he shared a house with.

"But you rarely have to do any paper work." (Y/N) commented lifting her chin.

"Omega wasn't part of this mission so he couldn't upload his visual records as evidence the mission was completed." He explained.

"Oh, I see."

But just then a Chao with features very similar to the hard working hedgehog came on top of the desk, entertaining himself by flipping through some of the papers. Picking up a near my pen and pretending it was a sword.

"Not now Shade." Shadow huffed.

Grabbing his troublesome Chao by the scruff of his neck he pulled him off the desk before he could mess up the desk even more.

And Shade's response was to give a few irritated 'Chao's'. Which could have been translated as 'but I want to play!' 

"Aww, don't be hard on him Shadow. He's been itching for a play all day." (Y/N) giggled at the pair.

"Then why don't you play with him?" Shadow asked, just wanting to get his work done.

"He's being picky today, and besides he always acts like this when you have paperwork." She continued to chuckle.

As they spoke though Shade had started to poke Shadow's quills as a way to get his attention. He gave a small growl at his irritating pet.

"I-I'll make you some coffee." (Y/N) offered, quickly exiting to the kitchen before she burst into laughter not wanting to piss him off more.

No, Shade was doing a grand job at that.

Shadow muttered swear words under his breath at Shade as he continued to be the definition of pain in the ass.

He then had the epiphany to once again grab the Chao by the scruff of the neck and wrap him up in a near by blanket, and plop him down on the sofa in the other room.

Of course Shade gave several angry 'Chao's' before getting to the difficult task of liberating himself from the warm restraints.

With him out the way Shadow returned to his oh so fun paperwork. (Y/N) came back it a few seconds later with a  cup of steaming coffee and gently placed it onto he desk. Even though Shadow didn't need to eat or drink but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy some foods and drinks.

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