Sonic x reader: Winter Secrets (Christmas Special)

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You are a (A/T)

Dancing in a winter wonderland...

Walking up the path of the usual very quiet and sweet house (Y/N)'s footsteps crunched in the snow. The dinky cottage stood in front of her with vines creeping up it looking like odd tinsel thanks to the snow, expect this evening there was loud music coming from inside.

Standing at the door (Y/N) hesitated to knock not really wanting to join in with the obvious party booming inside. But giving a sigh and putting on a smile....

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

The door opened in a second and a teenage Cream stood there in a little pink dress with small frills.

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you came! Come in! Come in!" Cream giggled excitedly grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

Once tossing aside her coat and scarf she took in the cozy cottage, it had been transformed. There was a large Christmas tree heavily decorated standing in the sitting room, disco lights were flashing and music was booming, the kitchen contained tables of foods and there wasn't much space to move as so many people were there.

"You sure invited a lot of people." (Y/N) commented with a small smile.

"Well I wanted everyone here to celebrate Christmas Eve together, and mother finally let me hold a party." she laughed in glee. 

After a few more minutes Cream went off to speak to other guests not that (Y/N) minded, she decided to stand in a corner with a drink, listening to the thumping music and entertain herself, observing who was at the party.

The entire gang for a start off Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Silver and Blaze, even Team Dark were here, it looked like Rouge and Omega had dragged Shadow here. The Chaotix were here, Honey the cat, Sally and Bunny among lots of others.

It was like Cream had invited the entire town!

Why am I even here? Party's aren't really my scene anyway, where's a quiet corner and a book when you need them? She thought to herself already considering leaving. 


Snapping from her daze and glancing up she was surprised to see Sonic also with a drink, also not seeming too interested by the party.

"Sonic? I'm surprised your here." she smiled at him, glad to have someone to talk to.

"Yeah well Cream wanted me to." he shrugged smiling as well.

"Same here." she shrugged as well.

The reason though (Y/N) was surprised to see Sonic here was because she knew he wasn't a fan of crowds, and this place was far from deserted. But then again she knew he had a major weak spot for wanting to impress his friends.

"What are you drinking?" he asked pointing at her cup.

"Lemonade. You?"


The two let out a short laugh each knowing very well there alcohol tolerance was extremely low, after two pints Sonic was passed out on the floor and a sip of anything alcoholic and (Y/N) became as flirty as a succubus. 

"Wise choice, I'd hate to have to drag your drunken ass home." (Y/N) teased.

"Hey! And I'd hate to pull you off every guy in sight." he teased back.  

At that second a new song started to play which was just as loud as the last, causing (Y/N) to cringe a a bit. She hated loud noises and dancing in public, so there really wasn't much for her to do here.   

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