Halloween Special, Vampire - Knuckles x reader: A Books Cover

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You are a (A/T)

Do you always believe what text books tell you?

"(Y/N) can you check that the books in the child section aren't too muddled up?"

"Sure I can Naomi." (Y/N) replied happily.

Walking with a spring in her step to the children section of the library (Y/N) was happy to find that there were only a couple of paper back books scattered on the floor, rather than the plush chairs being turned upside down and the bean bags being thrown across the room like they were some other times.

When everything was back in order she walked back to the main desk where the head librarian Naomi was still sat at.

"It's all tidy, only a couple of books that needed putting away." she said making up to the desk.

"That's good then, are you alright for me to head out then?" Naomi asked.

"Of course I am, besides we'll only get the students and regular at this time." (Y/N) said.

So Naomi left after a long days work and (Y/N) took a seat behind the main desk pulling out her book and starting to read. As if it wasn't obvious (Y/N) worked at the local library but because it was in the city it stayed open rather late, until 10pm. But also because this library was jointed to the near by university.

So when she took over the night shift the only people who came in were students cram studying or desperately needing text books to complete essays. Students and the one they called the 'regular'.

Soon enough a few students came bolting into the library begging to be pointed in the direction of their subject, which she was happy to help with. And then sure enough the 'regular' came in. 

He was a red echidna and he came most nights, he would walk silently to the History section before tucking himself away in a corner away from everyone else and read a variety of History books. And surely he did the same tonight.

But the only thing that (Y/N) found odd about him was that when he was reading he would sometimes quietly mumble sentences, and over time she was able to figure out that he said to himself things like:

"That didn't happen."

"These dates are all wrong."

"These books couldn't be any more further from the truth."

She never understood what he meant by that but just thought that maybe he was a History major of sorts and knew more than what the books told. And so she would go about her library duties as normal, not that there was much to do at night. 

Soon enough though 10pm came around and (Y/N) had to kick the students out and the regual left without a word or fuss, and she locked up before headed to home. And then the next day she came to the liabary in the afternoon as usual.

"Did you have any trouble last night (Y/N)?" Naomi asked.

"Nope, everything went just like usual." she smiled.

(Y/N) went behind the desk as usual cataloging books but it wasn't long until someone needed something.

"Excuse me ma'am?" a gruff voice asked.

Looking up she was met with brown furred bear who had ragged fur and wore dark clothing, he didn't strike her as the type to want to use the library facilities, but as usual, never judge a book by it's cover.

"How can I help you?" she asked sweetly.

"I was just wondering if you could confirm for me that a red echidna often comes here, as he's an author who I am very anxious to meet." he requested. 

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