Knuckles x reader: AI

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You are a (A/T)


A screen flashed into life, icons appearing center screen before falling to the edge of the screen in line, the time, temperature and power levels being included in the icons. The screen view shown was of an upwards view revealing a bright sun through fully bloomed trees, which turned to pitch black through the motion of blinking.

The whirring of gears could be heard as a (F/C) metal autonomy stood to its feet, sensors and cameras observed the area, located as the Green Hill Zone. The autonomy itself was a female robot, constructed to have the appearance of a (A/T).

Synthetic (H/L) (H/C) hair, tight fitting clothes covered limb joints but alternate coloured casing around the lower hold of the legs and feet provided the effect of shoes. And currently she was an android AI with no clear course of action. Searching her data bank she could only find one prior order.

"Data log 27, current date May 2nd 2017. Current position: Green Hill zone, suspected dimensional travel. Course of action: Execute last given orders."

With the data log saved to memory she then proceeded to carry out her last order, set by Eggman Nega.

~Meanwhile on Angel Island~

There was a slight breeze which was a much wanted relief from the beating down sun, which wasn't a problem to those on the surface, but for Knuckles who was thousands of feet closer to the sun, well he could take it.

Like the guardian of the Master Emerald would be beaten by a little bit of whether. But the obstacle of boredom, that was something entirely different, but naturally after all these many years the guardian also had a solution to that problem.

And that was to take a nap.


"Data log 28, current date May 2nd 2017. Current position: prior commands partially completed. Following course of action: carry out remainder of mission until authoritative body commands."

Knuckles was vaguely aware of a voice as he woke up, but still dazed barely registered with reality. Opening his eyes completely he saw the sun setting, realising he'd slept through the majority of the day he gave a long yawn stretching his limbs his back leaning against the Master Emerald.

He surely would have proceeded to enjoy one of natures marvels, had he not heard another voice origination from the other side of the Master Emerald.

"Engaging search for other possible life forms."

The voice was female and monotone, robotic like, confusing Knuckles. Silently he stood up inching his way to the voice, jumping out in a fighting stance he grew angry at the sight of a robot on his island.

"What the heck are you!?"

The robot turned its head towards him but seemed rather level headed.

"Social protocol requires a more formal greeting, so I shall lead by example. I am an AI, which stands for artificial intelligence." it started to say.

"I know what it means!"

"Nether the less I am an AI in a synthetic form code named: (Y/N)."

"I don't care who you are! Get off my Island!"

"The final stage of introducing ones self is offering the shaking of a hand." she said ignoring his angry bellows holding out her hand.

Instead Knuckles grabbed the robot by it's wrist not hesitating to throw it over the edge of the island. Glad that that irritation was dealt with Knuckles resumed his spot mumbling to himself.

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