Halloween Special, Vampire - Tails x reader: A Little Blood

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You are a (A/T)

What's wrong with a little blood?

Have you ever heard the saying 'one person's rubbish is another person's treasure'? Well that was certainly the case for Tails as he rummaged around the local scrapyard. This place was practically a treasure chest for him, scrap metal, unused circuit boards and sometimes even droids that just needed simple repairs. The possibilities were endless!

In fact you wouldn't have thought him a teenager with how he looked like a kid at Christmas, he continued to dig through all the wasted materials, ideas practically sparking out of his mind.

"Wow this circuit board is in prime condition, if I use it to repair this surveillance droid I could get some incredible software with this being an S-class droid." he said to himself.


Jolting at the sudden sound he pulled his salvaged parts to his chest starting to panic.

Crap if that's the scrapyard guard I'm dead!

But it wasn't the guard, no. Something much worse.

Before he could make a dash for it a (F/C) (A/T) came around a pile of random scrap also with several metal parts in her arms, and the pair stared at each other in equal surprise, but Tails quickly started to fear the girl.

Because she had blood all around her mouth and her eyes were glowing a bright scarlet red.

"Oh hi! Who are you?" she asked sweetly.

Tails reply was to pass out.


The next thing he was aware of was laying down on something soft, groggily he opened his eyes and sat up. Looking around he was in a cabin style room, and there were old looking inventions scattered all around. He'd describe them in a sort of 'steam punk' style. But they were all around the room.

Hung from the ceiling, scattered over desks, overflowing from boxes and draws and a couple littering the floor. Getting his barrings together though he back tracked in his head what had happened.

Wasn't I at the scrapyard?

"Oh your awake!"

He jumped at the sudden voice and started to panic again at the sight of the (A/T), except now her eyes were a subtle (E/C).

"What!? Who are you!?" he asked frantically.

"Well you sure seem energetic, considering how hard you fell. You hit your head pretty heard on an old tool box, how are you feeling?" she asked nicely sitting on the end of the bed.

But unintentionally Tails edged away a little.

"Hey, I don't bite." she tired to reassure him.

"B-but your eyes were red, and all that b-blood..." he questioned still unsure of what was going on.

"Oh! Is that why you fainted? Sorry, I often forget that not everyone is comfortable with blood." she apologized.

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