3rd Prize! Twitch x Tails

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Twitch held her breath, hands steady, mind sound.

"Come on." She muttered to herself "come on. Just a little further."

Stepping carefully she couldn't see a thing, just the shroud of black. All she had to light the way was her terrible flash beacon.

"Not to today, I won't let it happen again. Not today."

She flashed her beacon again and stepped carefully.Only to have Fun time Foxy jump in her face!

"What the shit Foxy?!" Twitch yelled furiously.

Clutching a hand to the chest of her rapidly beating heart Twitch let out a long annoyed sigh, glaring at the red and black glitching game over screen. Pushing the laptop which sat at her desk away she leaned back in her chair running a hand through her tasseled white hair.

"I'm not going to let bloody Foxy kill me again." she declared sitting up straight. Hitting the continue button she got ready for another round. The screen faded into the descending lift, a quick play of causal bongos later she was back in the main gallery. Twitch spoke in sink to the annoying aggravating voice as it told her to go to the parts and service room.

She then started to carefully move through the room using her beacon sparingly. However she was rudely disturbed, when a shrill knocking came from the front door.

"Come in!" she called not caring who it was.

Hearing a rattling of the door however she was reminded that her door was locked.

"Twitch your door is locked! I can't get in!" the visitor called from outside.

"Well you'll have to wait then!"

Of course she recognized the voice straight away as Tails, but nothing was about to drag her away from her game as she was just about half way towards parts and service. Tails meanwhile was still outside tapping his foot. Glancing at his communicator which doubled up as a watch he grew conscience of the time.

"Twitch come on! I need your help!" he called banging on the door again.

"Hang on!" she called back.

Giving a sigh Tails had a strong feeling she was playing a video game again, and in that case she wouldn't be opening the door for a while. But Tails being is clever self could tell she was upstairs, probably in her room.

He jogged round to the back of her house and used his tails to propel himself in the air up to her window, pressing his face against the glass shielding his eyes from the usual beating sun he could just about see that her room was as dark as usual, a glaring light coming from her desk.

Plus there were plenty of games, books along with a few creased clothes littering the floor. He knocked on the window but she just waved a dismissive hand, not even caring that she was on the first floor and there was a knock at her window.

"Twitch would you just let me in!" Tails called through the window.

She didn't seen to hear him though as she simply carried on trying to defeat Foxy, having already restarted the level a second time. Seeing no other solution Tails pulled out a spanner he always had at hand, wedging it underneath the window frame. With a bit of struggle he was eventually able to pry the window open.

Twitch, surprise, surprise was completely oblivious. Tails then, to the best of his abilities, entered the room. However his foot got caught on the window sill causing him to trip into the room, leading him to collide onto the floor and crashing into Twitch's chair!

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