Mephiles x daughter!reader: Avoiding Love

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This one shot leads on from a previous Mehpiles X reader: no fear. So please read that one if you haven't before reading this one.

You are a (A/T)

Root reflexes.

Under a cloudy sky a child (A/T) and a black and dusty turquoise hedgehog made there way, silently, through a lush green forest.

As they carried on their way the (A/T) was sure to stay close, but not too close, to the hedgehog. And trying her best to be quiet, but not too quiet, otherwise she'd end up babbling from not speaking for so long. Which would only annoy the hedgehog more.

"Mephiles where are we going now?" She dared to ask.

"We need to find a chaos emerald." He responded plainly. 

The child was able to figure out from that answer that they would be traveling zones, until either of them were able to sense a chaos emerald. As that's what the latest plan required.

But this was routine for her. The child was named (Y/N), and two years ago she had been abandoned by her mother. Searching the shopping centre which she had been left in, she accidentally went down to the underground abandoned floors.

And that's where she met Mephiles.

Mephiles 'took her in', keeping her by his side purely due to the fact that the girl could sense chaos energy. A useful pawn in his eyes. And now the age of 7 her abilities had increased, increasing her practicality.

Over the years she had helped him out with the couple of his failed attempts to over throw his enemies. But overtime Mephlies had felt the urge to rid himself of the child decrease. Yet he refused to admit to himself that he had grown attached to her.

And so he continued to treat her in a cold way.

"What is your plan this time?" She asked after 15 more minutes of walking.

"After my last attack my enemies believe me to be dead, I shall let them believe that lie meanwhile I shall replenish my power. Then I will take the advantage of a surprise attack." He explained.

"Okay, I promise to find you a chaos emerald then!" (Y/N) promised.

Even if Mephiles wouldn't admit that he was fond of the kid, she happily would admit that she had grown to like him. A couple of times she had even considered asking him if she could call him 'dad'. But in the past when he punished her for doing something wrong, that memory alone was enough to stop her, fearing if Mephiles would grow angry at the idea.

So the two carried on their way.

Eventually though it turned dark and Mephiles was 'forced' to hold (Y/N)'s hand so she wouldn't get lost. She was no good to him lost.

(Y/N) was able to walk for about another hour before she had to admit.

"Mephiles I'm tired."

Without a word Mephiles walked off the track and a few steps later stopped, somewhere were they wouldn't be spotted, and sat down on the ground his back leaning against a tree. (Y/N) then sat down on his lap and with little effort at tall fell sound asleep. After all she was no good to him tired.  

But the only reason Mephiles allowed her to do such a thing was due to the fact that Mephiles very often worked or travelled through the nights not requiring any sleep. However (Y/N) did. So Mephiles was left with the problem of finding a way to let the child get enough sleep, at the beginning he found the idea of carrying (Y/N) as she slept revolting. And so she ended up sleeping on the floors of the areas they were currently in that night.

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