Knuckles x reader: Secret Santa (Christmas Special)

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You are a (A/T)

Pick out a name, don't tell anyone, and then you have to buy that person a present.

The chimes of music boxes and laughing children echoed through the streets as shops radiated all things Christmas. Along with that it was lightly snowing, as (Y/N) glanced through shop windows.

She was looking for a present for a certain someone, as this year the gang had decided to do a secret Santa. And (Y/N) didn't exactly know what to get for the person she had picked out.

"Seriously, what am I supposed to get him that he'll like?" She mumbled to herself. 

(Y/N) then remembered when her problem started.

"Right your turn to pick out a name (Y/N)!" Rouge said holding the bowl out in front of her.

Digging her hand into the bits of folded up paper she clasped one and pulled it out of the bowl with a flourish. Then making sure that no one could see she unfolded the paper and instantly thought what on Earth could she get this person.


"I mean it's not like I don't like Knuckles, but it's hard to think of what he'd like as he's got such an odd character."

Even the usual default present of chocolate wouldn't be good enough, as she knew for a fact he didn't like sweets, with his favourite food being grapes.

Now if Knuckles had been a girl then she would have bought him, rhetorically her, some grape scented perfume or bath products. But once again, something he definitely wouldn't like.

She spent about another hour passing by shops and peering through windows looking for inspiration or the perfect present to come jumping out the shop and bight her, but sadly neither happened.

"Damn it, I guess I'm going to have ask one of the gang for suggestions." she sighed.

Turning on her heel she headed back home her feet frozen from walking in the snow covered streets for so long, thankfully her walk home wasn't too long and she decided she'd go see Sonic and Tails tomorrow and ask for their suggestions.

~The next day~

(Y/N) had decided to head over to Tails' workshop late morning as to be sure she wouldn't disturb him and Sonic, but when she walked up to the house she saw smoke coming from the garage door!

Not hesitating she ran the rest of the distance and flinging open the door she dashed to the garage.

"Are you guys okay!?" she yelled stopping at the entrance of the garage.

But she instantly flooded with relief when she saw that Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were all stood there admiring a hole in the ceiling, none of them hurt.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Sonic asked as if the place wasn't clouded with smoke.

"I was bored so I thought I'd bother you lot." (Y/N) lied.

She then stepped a little into the room looking at the hole.

"But then I saw smoke coming from the garage door and thought something was wrong, guess I was wrong. That is some extreme house improvement." she added.

"I was fixing one of the thrusters on the Tornado but then the clamp I had it on slipped and it blew a hole in the ceiling." Tails explained, obviously a little annoyed at himself.

"You guys were lucky it didn't go straight through the roof otherwise that would have been a pain in the ass to fix." Knuckles commented.   

"Still, I don't know what were going to do now." Sonic sighed.

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