Glasses: Shadow

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Following on from 'Glasses'.

You are still a (A/T)

Do I really have to wear my glasses?

The bell rang loudly and sharply causing (Y/N) to wince slightly as the sound didn't help her headache. The third lesson of the day, History, had just ended and (Y/N) was seriously considering actually wearing her glasses.

As it was a major pain that she couldn't see and she was straining her eyes giving her a massive headache. But (Y/N) was as stubborn as they came.

So giving a sigh she stood up and headed to her forth lesson which was English. But that was easier said than done.

"Hey watch where you going!"

"I'm really sorry for bumping into you!"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine honestly."

"Hey! You there watch out for that-

Too late, despite the strangers warning (Y/N) walked right into the wall.

"Ow..." She muttered rubbing her sore head.

How many people did I bump into on my way here? I think it was about five...

Already done with the day (Y/N) wished for time to go faster as she waited for the teacher to let the students into the classroom.

"Alright class in you come!" The English teacher called.

(Y/N) cautiously stepped in, tried her best to avoid tripping on any table or chair legs, and was thankful to make it to her seat in one piece.

One of the chairs scraped against the floor as a student took a seat on the same table. But (Y/N) could tell it was Shadow by the black silhouette with red stripes visible through her dodgy eyes.

"Hi Shadow, are you alright?" She asked politely.

"Why aren't you wearing your contact lenses today?" He asked bluntly.

"W-what!? How do you know I wear contact lenses!?" She asked agape.

"It's not hard to tell, plus any idiot could tell there was something wrong with your sight with the way you've been tripping up most of the day." He stated.

(Y/N) couldn't see his expression but she could imagine it being blank as usual. When in actual fact it was only because he'd figured out she couldn't see very well that he expressed a small amount of anger in his expression. As he wanted to know why his friend flinched when ever the bell rang, why she was bumping into walls and why her face was covered in small scratches.

"If I tell you why I'm such a clutz today can you promise not to laugh or tell anyone?" She asked timidly.

"Of course I won't, you know I don't partake in gossip." He promised.

"Well I may or may not have stepped on my contact lenses this morning, and I have a pair of glasses but I don't like wearing them. So I've resolved to being blind for the day." She explained in shame focussing on the blob of a table.

"And how is that working out for you?" He remarked, annoyed that (Y/N) had been so idiotic.

"Umm not very well..."

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