Sonic Boom! X reader: Unlucky Charm

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You are a (A/T)

Watch out for ladders and black cats, and don't forget the drains and pavements lidded with cracks.

"And the whether today folks is brilliant for everyone on the Island, sunny skies and no clouds, although there is rain expected later on in the week."

Sat in front of the TV (Y/N) tapped her nails in her lips thinking about the whether report.

"Hmm, should I risk it? But then again today sounds like the best day to go out...." she thought out loud.

Not wanting to run the risk of rain (Y/N) decided to head into town as she needed a couple of bits and pieces, but was sure to be prepared. However she barely made it halfway towards town when-

"Hey Miss (A/T)! Watch out!"

(Y/N) wasn't quick enough to miss the water accidently thrown her way from a mop bucket mop which soaked her shoes.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! You just came out of nowhere!"

"It's alright." she smiled "Have a nice day."

She carried on her way not bothered by the soaked steps she was taking. It's sunny today, they should dry soon enough.

"Ma'am! Watch-

But before the kid could finish there warning their football collided with (Y/N)'s head. The kid came rushing over quickly retrieving their ball.

"I-I'm sorry! You're not hurt are you!?"

"No don't worry kiddo I'm perfectly fine, I'm used to it." she continued to smile.

The kid then happily ran off glad he hadn't hurt her. Sweet kid, he seemed really concerned. Once again (Y/N) carried on her way but the moment she stepped into the town market-

"Hey lady!"

(Y/N) fell flat on her behind after she had tripped on an orange the fruit stall owner had accidentally dropped a crate of.

"Are you okay miss?" the stall owner asked frantically helping her up.

"Yes thank you."

"Sorry I wasn't concentrating a crate of my oranges toppled over." he apologised "Tell you what have a couple of oranges, on the house."

"Thank you very much!"

Aww that was really sweet of him, and I got a couple of fresh oranges for free. Despite all the unlucky things that had happened to (Y/N) she was as optimistic as usual, reminded of how the majority of the people on Bygone Island were really nice. But nether the less all this bad luck is what (Y/N) had been prepared for.

For as long as she could remember (Y/N) had been a magnet for bad luck, when she was at school she'd always trip on books and PE equipment, at home she would accidentally smash mugs and burn herself when cooking food. And just like now, whenever she left her house she was caught in everyday activities, with it being no ones fault.

As a result however she generally tried to stay away from others scared they'd also suffer her misfortunes. But she just took it in her stride.

"And what can I get you today young lady?"

Briefly distracted by the aroma of the bread (Y/N) answered the baker.

"Umm just a loaf of bread please."

"Not a problem, but why are you standing so far from the counter? I promise you I don't bite."

But if I stand next to the counter I'll cause it to break, either that or I'll do something to the till, (Y/N) worriedly thought to herself.

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