Tails x reader: My Knight (Black Knight)

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You are a (A/T)

Allow me to be your armor.

Camelot, a land known by all as the crowing jewel of England. And it shone brightly with it currently being summer, with plants being in bloom and nature bursting with life.

And the famed blacksmith of Camelot was taking advantage of the season, traveling to a near by meadow for the day to gather rare herbs. Mumbling to him self his eyes glazed over the many bushes in an attempt to find what he needed.

"Honestly, this land consists of nothing but green and I can't find Gaia berries which are bright red." he mumbled to himself.

He then proceeded to continue his search, and he found poison ivy, stinging nettles and brambles, before finally finding a bush of Gaia berries. Ignoring his sore hands from the previous plants he eagerly filled up a pouch he had brought with him, being careful not to squish them.

"Now with these I can finally-


At that terrifying scream Tails knew how much danger he was suddenly in, as looking up he saw a ginormous Griffin charging at him!

In a flight reflex he began to run, his life very much in the balance. A rushed panic he could tell the Griffin was gaining on him with it's sharp talons and monstrous beak. Desperately started looking for some cover knowing he had no weapon to defend himself.

I'm done for!


Doing as the sudden voice told him when Tails next looked up and behind him he saw a (F/C) (A/T) attacking the Griffin to the best of her abilities with her sword. She then plunged the sword into it's chest causing it to stumble back.

"Come on!" she said grabbing his wrist.

She then began to run pulling Tails along with her, they then came to a steep hill and they skidded/stumbled down it getting cover. Falling to a stop the two knelt on the ground panting heavily waiting, and a few seconds later the Griffin flew right over them and else where skreeing in anger.

They both gave a sigh of relief that the danger was over.

"Thank you." Tails said still a little breathless.

Now able to properly look at her she was wearing attire more suited to a man, with trousers, boots and a poorly fitting shirt. Her (H/L) hair tied in a messy braid.

"My pleasure." she smiled at him putting her sword, which Tails saw was a little rusty, in her sheath.

"Can I ask the name of my savior?" he asked smiling back.

"Why of course, I'm (Y/N) the (A/T)." she said holding out a hand.

"Tails the Blacksmith." he said shaking her hand.

(Y/N) looked like she would have continued to converse but then she subtly went limp, leaning against the bottom on the hill.

"Hey are you okay!?" he asked worriedly shaking her shoulder.

But he stopped when he saw she had a wound across her torso.

"Oh no.."

It wasn't hard to figure out that it was the Griffin who had wounded her, so as best as he could Tails awkwardly slung (Y/N)'s arm over his shoulder and he started to make the hard trek ahead of him back to Camelot.

I hope I can get back in time...


She could hear a bird song. Cracking her eyes open (Y/N) sat up and saw she was lying in an old wooden framed bed, a thin blanket draped over her legs. Looking around she saw she was in a small bedroom with sand like stone walls, and the window was open.

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