Tails x reader: Pick a Side

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You are a (A/T)

Pick a side? Sounds a lot like Civil War...

"Oh ho ho ho ho! You'll never defeat me this time Sonic!"

"Fat chance of that!"

Even in the middle of a semi destroyed street which Eggman stood at the center of, large robot and all, Tails still rolled his eyes at his blue brother and his terrible puns.

"Sonic please concentrate." Tails sighed into his communicator.

Being in the sky in the Tornado meant there was little he could do in terms of keeping Sonic under control. A few more awful puns later and Eggman attacked in a rage, Sonic being careful to avoid as much damage as possible whilst Tails was air support. Circling around he was able to land several attacks which happened.

"Keep hitting him Tails! You're doing great!"

Circling around again Tails shot the Tornado's lasers landing effective hits, but when the plane was suspended upside down for a fraction of a second he was able to glance into the control bay where Eggman was sat.

Except he wasn't accompanied by just Orbot and Cubot this time, he only caught a glance but he could have sworn he saw a female (A/T) in there as well. Either way there was definately someone else in there with him, someone Mobian. He instantly wondered if she was a civilian but she didn't seem to be struggling, in fact she looked rather comfortable in the control bay...

"Tails! Aim at the legs and then this robots done for!"

Snapping out of his logical thinking Tails snapped back into reality.

"You got it!"

With their combined effort the fight was over in a matter of seconds. But afterwards Tails could find no sign of that second mobian in the control bay. 

~A few days later~

It was a mildly sunny day, not to hot not too cold, a perfect day in Tails' mind to work on the Tornado. Except this time he had a valid excuse to tinker away. Eggman had yet again attacked but his robot had been more powerful this time, meaning the Tornado took quite a beating.

But still, nothing a good day in the garage couldn't fix. Pulling the plane outside he then went back inside to grab his tool box, looking at the plane he wondered as to what task he should complete first.

Maybe I'll start by fixing the dents first... he considered rummaging through his tool box. But then his attention was caught by a shadow suddenly being cascaded over him. His eyes darted up and he saw a (A/T) perched on the wing of the plane smiling.

"Hi there." she smiled.

"What are you doing here!?" he demanded taking a wobbly step back.

"Oh! So you did see me in Eggman's robot the other day." she giggled.

"Yes I saw you the other day but that still doesn't answer my question." he said sternly, regaining his posture.

Hopping down from the plane she kept that same smile on her face.

"My names (Y/N) the (A/T) and I came to join your team, gang, or whatever you call it."


"You heard me."

Tails had to take a moment in order to fully comprehend what this random (A/T) had just said.

"W-what are you on about? Join the team? It isn't as easy as walking through a door!"

"Alright then what do I have to do? Some sort of test?"

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