Silver x reader: School Trip

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You are a (A/T)

Admit it, whenever you went on a school trip you were just glad to miss a day of school.

The coach was packed. The 'cool' kids at the back had barely sat down at the back before they started blaring music from their phones, and the teachers at the front were failing to get everyone to quiet down. 

Yep, this was a school trip.

Or rather a college trip, as all the students were taking their A-levels. And all the students on this bus were either art or photography students. (Y/N) was one of these students, happily sat near the front of the bus.

"Would you lot please quiet down so I can take a register!" Mr Hanson the art teacher yelled at the front of the coach.

The students voices settled down a little and the teacher took the register.

"Casey the Minx?"


"James the Fox?"

"Here sir!"

"(Y/N) the (A/T)?"


The teacher continued and when the register was done looked at all the seats.

"Has anyone seen Silver the Hedgehog?"

"Here sir! Sorry sir!" a white hedgehog yelled running onto the coach.

"Just sit down." the teacher responded.

Not wanting to further embarrass himself Silver quickly sat down in the nearest spare seat which was next to a certain (A/T).

"Hi." he greeted her still a little out of breath from running to catch the coach.

"Hi..." she greeted back awkwardly.

The coach engine then roared to life as it started to head down the road and out of the college car park.

"Ummm, (Y/N) isn't it?" Silver asked wanting to start a conversation.

"Yes that's right, but I don't really need to guess your name." she said back.

"Heh, guess you don't." he smiled sheepishly.

(Y/N) didn't say it, but she would have known his name regardless if had or hadn't been late as she had labelled him as one of the 'popular guys'. And another thing she wouldn't say was that she was surprised he even knew her name.

"Uh I'm sorry you got stuck sitting next to me." Silver apologised.

"I think that should be my line." she mumbled.

Another thing about him being labelled a 'popular guy' was that she instantly thought him to be ignorant or big headed.

"What do you mean?" he asked dumbfounded.

She thought he was a good actor to pull that kind of expression off.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard the usual names? Freak, weirdo, any of these ringing a bell?" she asked.

"Nope." he said shaking his head.

He's a good actor, she thought to herself.

"Why do people call you those names?" he asked looking concerned.

"Yes and so what? And why are you so desperate to have a conversation?" she asked back irritated.

"Why are you so desperate to not have a conversation?" he smiled back.

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