Spell Miss-Hap: Mehpiles

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Following on from 'Spell Miss-Hap'

You are a (A/T)

Not all problems can be seen.

Grinning like a child she rushed into her house ignoring how heavy the box was she held and how her arms screamed in relief as she put the box down on the table. She was practically a kid again as she rummaged around in the box.

Earlier today (Y/N) had been around Amy's house helping her to decorate, Cream had been there as well and once the Halloween spirit was in the air (Y/N) had left after Amy had given her some left over decorations as a thanks.

So she had been quick to get home and see what goodies Amy had given her.

"A pumpkin? Wicked!" she exclaimed.

Excited to get carving she started to look for a knife that would be sharp enough to cut the pumpkin and a pen to draw out her design, but she soon found that she didn't have any candles.

Well I guess its a trip to the shops. Pulling her shoes back on she locked up and left the house and walked into town. Enjoying the cold whether of the afternoon she started to think which would be the best shop to buy candles from.

She was violently brought out of her thoughts though when someone roughly bumped into her.

"Hey watch it!" she snapped at the male dog who had bumped into her.

But he just looked behind him and it was as if he saw nothing, and then he carried on walking the other way. (Y/N) just shook her head in annoyance muttering swear words under her breath. Maybe he was partially sighted, or deaf? There must have been a reason she wondered.

However as she carried on walking it happened again! This time it was a female fox, she literally walked into her as if she wasn't there!

"Hey watch where you going!" (Y/N) snapped again starting to get agitated.

But the fox just looked around in a daze, rubbing her head a little.

"Okay, that's the last time I do overtime. I need to go home and get some rest..." the fox mumbled to herself walking along.

Now completely angered and annoyed (Y/N) looked around her and saw that no one seemed to be looking at her. She had to move out of the way of everyone because no one could be bothered to move.

"Am I completely invisible!?" she asked herself.

However she then caught sight of herself in the reflection of a shop window and she saw... nothing. She had no reflection.

In a panicked frenzy she ran up to the window pressing her hands on the glass she stared with a hard gaze, but still she couldn't see herself. Yet she knew she was here, she was thinking and she could feel the cold surface under her hands.

She had become invisible.

"What in Chaos has happened to me!?" she shrieked.

With her heart racing she ran, she turned and she ran. Dodging and sliding past people so that she wouldn't send anyone flying.

If she had been visible it would look like she was running around aimlessly when in actual fact she knew exactly where she was going, the woods. It wasn't a well known area to her but she knew the route she needed to take.

Feeling like her lungs were going to collapse she finally stopped near a ditch, that hid a concealed entrance to a cave. Only having caught half her breath she entered the cave, her footsteps echoing.

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