Sonic reader: Wreck-it Ralph

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This one shot is based off Disney movie Wreck-it Ralph which Sonic appears in.

You are a gaming character

"If you leave your game stay safe stay alert and whatever you do don't die because if you die outside your own game you don't regenerate, ever. Game Over."

Left, right, forward, back, back, left and right, twirl! Getting perfect hits every time letting the music guide her to each step, (Y/N) had the big glowing words 'HOW TO PLAY!' above her head. She happily kept dancing on her electronic dance mat keeping an eye on the arcade owner.

He'd gotten older over the years but still wore the same white and black striped shirt but still loved every individual game. He turned the lights out and locked the doors, (Y/N) saw this as her cue to stop dancing.

Cupping her hand to her mouth she called to the other games:

"Alright guys! The arcades closed!"

All the arcade game characters stopped their automatic tutorials and relaxed, some spoke about Tapper's for a drink. (Y/N) herself stepped down from her dance mat and passing the other dance characters headed on the train to game central.

Stepping out into the cream coloured area gaming characters everywhere enjoying the days end. (Y/N) herself couldn't help but stand out slightly with her outfit decorated with fluorescent strips.

In this arcade all gaming characters were alive and at the end of each day would do as they pleased, many of them meeting up in game central or visiting other games. But if you visited another game you had to make sure that you didn't die, otherwise you don't regenerate, ever. Game Over.

"Yo (Y/N)!"

Stopping in her tracks a candy themed go kart screeched it a halt inches away from her, and there sat Vanellope at the drivers seat, Ralph perched on the back.

"Hey Vanellope! Ralph! What are you two doing?" (Y/N) asked sweetly.

"Nothing much, just giving Sonic a hand dishing out these invitations for his party." Vanellope said waving a pile of letters in her hand.

"Sonic's having a party?" (Y/N) asked taking an invite that Vanellope was waving at her.

"Yeah, it's been ten years since his game was plugged in and he wanted to celebrate. I can still remember when that little porcupine started running around here." Ralph said chuckling to himself at the last part.

"He's a hedgehog not a porcupine Ralph." (Y/N) chuckled at him.

"Who cares what he is he throws the best parties and we'll both be going! Are you coming this time (Y/N)!?" Vanellope asked excitedly.

"Y-yeah, of course." she smiled.

"Then we'll see you there! Hit the cake buttons Vanellope!" Ralph cried enthusiastically.

"They are called pedals Ralph!" Vanellope laughed at him.

Hitting the accelerator the two whizzed off with a puff of sparkly icing sugar from the exhaust. (Y/N) gave a happy wave as they went off to other games to deliver more invites. She then looked down at her invite.

Reading the details it was tomorrow shortly after the arcade closed. Tapping the invite to her lips (Y/N) wondered whether she would go or not, she liked Sonic. The two were incredible friends, but...

Shaking her head (Y/N) went back to her game deciding she would make up her mind tomorrow.

~The Next Day~

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