Galahad x reader: Young and in Love

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You are a (A/T)

Promises of the Nobelist of hearts are the strongest

One would expect Knights to be focused and honourable at all times. In the Kingdom of Camelot that was the situation. Most of the time.

"Alright." Galahad sighed "Where's my sword?"

"Sword? What sword?" Gawain asked back bit looking up from his own swords.

"I know you've hidden them somewhere."

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

"Gawain. I have training with King Arthur in five minutes!"

"It's behind the shield shelf." Percival answered walking into the armoury.

"Percival!" Gawain whined "why do you have to ruin the fun?"

Meanwhile Galahad finally had found his sword.

"I also think Lancelot hid your helmet near the axes." She added.


Bolting over to the axes Galahad dig about for his Helena as Gawain have a dissatisfied look at Percival, whom merely smiled.

"Got it!" Putting his helmet on in a hurry he ran out if the armoury "I'll get you back later Gawain!"

He simply chuckled at the thought of Galahad trying to pull a prank on him.

"You know you and Lancelot really shouldn't tease him so. He is new after all."

It was true. Whereas the other Knights had been serving King Arthur for many years now, Galahad had only been a true knight for two weeks now. And so he was seen as the newbie the perfect target for pranks. Which made it hard to give a good first impression upon the King as he dashed into the training area.

"Ah Galahad! I was starting to wonder if you were going to turn up." Arthur chuckled upon his arrival.

"I'm sorry my lord. I had trouble-

"Finding your sword and helmet. Yes I know that Gawain and Lancelot are quite the pranksters."

It was a relief that even the King understood. After that the two began to train, Galahad finding it an honour to train with the King himself. He had only been a knight for a short while but it was everything he had hoped for. And he was awaiting the day he would be allowed on a mission with the other Knights or the King.

It was a tough session King Arthur proving his skull landing some blows, but restraining his strength for Galahad's sake. But Galahad was still quick on his feet his footwork having improved, along with his disarming techniques.

"You're improving Galahad." Arthur praised after a couple hours, barely have broken a sweat "I'm confident enough to request you come with us tomorrow on a mission."

"A mission!? Are you sure my lord!?" He gasped from surprise and fatigue.

"Quite sure. Visit (Y/N) and she will talk you through our strategy."

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